
发布日期:2018-06-18 09:15 本文摘要:1. Itll look good on your CV If you can explore a new country at the same time as picking up the international skills to gain a decent graduate job, then thats pretty good going. 给你的简历增添光彩 你即可以探索一个新的国度,同时也可以获得

  1. It’ll look good on your CV

   If you can explore a new country at the same time as picking up the international skills to gain a decent graduate job, then that’s pretty good going.



  2. Brush up on your language skills

   Remember the foreign language skills you picked up in school? No, me neither. Refresh them by studying abroad; you might be surprised at how much you remember.



  3. Meet a diverse range of people

   Your exposure to many different types of people will not only help you to develop your people skills, but it will also give you a firmer knowledge of others, both friend and foe.



  4. Study and learn differently

   Often those studying abroad will experience a completely new way of teaching. This can be daunting, but it will also open your mind to new ways of learning.



  5. Gain independence

   It’s not easy being independent, but it’s also a heck of a lot better than living with your parents as a 20-something.



  6. You’ll gain a greater knowledge of different cultures

   Cultural sensitivity isn’t just a quality which politicians may be accused of lacking; it’s also something you can develop while studying abroad!



  7. See your own culture through a new lens

   It’s easy to accept your own culture as absolute, but living in another country can help inform your point of view on your home culture, allowing you to develop your own views rather than simply accepting those defined by where happen to come from.


  8. You’ll appreciate your home and family more

   Any memories of parental arguments or sibling rivalry will pale in comparison to your memories of how amazing they are. (Likewise, they’ll have time to forget about all your less attractive attributes too…) When you get back these relationships will look so much stronger!



  9. Increase your international job prospects

   While you can always go home at the end of your time as an international student, many choose to stay put and apply for a working visa. Even if you return home or decide to seek work elsewhere, the international experience provided by studying abroad is likely to be looked on favorably by employers.



  10. Because “variety is the spice of life”

   It might be something your dad says when opting for a different flavor of crisps at the supermarket, but it’s true; change, variety and new experiences are what make life worth living. Mix it up a bit: study abroad!

