
发布日期:2018-06-17 20:29 本文摘要:2017专四临近,阅读理解在考试当中占据主要地位,想要在阅读部分获得高分,首先要把握阅读的题型和解题方法。来看看小编为大家整理的2017专四阅读主旨题技巧吧! 在英语专四阅读文章中不是所有的段落都有主题句。 虽然很多时候文章或段落没有主题句,但是这





   One odd suggestion for curing hiccups is to cut some holes in a paper bag, put the bag over your head, and breathe deeply. Another is to put a teaspoon of sugar on your tongue; by the time the sugar has disappeared, some claim, so have the hiccups. Some people feel that the way to get rid of hiccups is to cover a glass of water with a clean handkerchief and then drink the water through the hankie.

   If none of these methods works, you might try yet another odd cure for hiccups: stand on your head, close your eyes tightly, take a deep breath, and recite “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”


   ①What is the topic, or subject, of the paragraph? In other words, what is the whole paragraph about?

   ②What is the main point being made about that topic?


   通过阅读文章可知不断提到的一个内容是“打嗝的治疗方法”(cures for hiccups),由此可以确定这就是这篇文章的主题。

   一旦你找到了主题,找到第二个问题的答案就简单多了。可能的答案是“There are some odd cures for hiccups,”这句话的意义非常地笼统,足以涵盖该文中所有的细节。
