
发布日期:2018-06-14 19:29 本文摘要:201.longevity[lndevti] n.①长寿 ②持续时间 示例: The worms have a longevity of about two years. 这些虫子大约能活两年。 202.loot[lut] n.①战利品 ②赃物v.掠夺,抢劫 示例: Jodie came home from the mall with bags of loot. 乔迪从购物中心满载



201.longevity [lɒndʒevɪti]


n.①长寿 ②持续时间


✎ 示例:


The worms have a longevity of about two years. 这些虫子大约能活两年。




202.loot [luːt]


n.①战利品 ②赃物v.掠夺,抢劫


✎ 示例:


Jodie came home from the mall with bags of loot. 乔迪从购物中心满载而归。




203.lotion [ləʊʃ(ə)n]




✎ 示例:


The nurse told him to bathe his eyes with the lotion. 护士叫他用洗液洗眼睛。




204.lottery [lɒt(ə)ri]


n.①奖券,彩票 ②碰运气的事


✎ 示例:


The stock market is a lottery. 股市靠的是运气。




205.lucrative [luːkrətɪv]


a.  利润丰厚的,赚钱的


✎ 示例:


Afghanistan is, after all, within striking distance of the lucrative markets in the Gulf. 阿富汗毕竟在海湾地区也算是一个比较有利可图的市场。




206.lyric [lɪrɪk]




✎ 示例:


Wordsworth was one of the greatest lyric poets of his time. 华兹华斯是他那个时代最伟大的抒情诗人之一。




207.malice [mælɪs]




✎ 示例:


There was a strong current of malice in many of his portraits. 他的许多肖像画中都透出强烈的恶意。




208.malignant [məlɪgnənt]


a.①恶性的 ②恶意的


✎ 示例:


She developed a malignant breast tumour. 她得了恶性乳腺瘤。




209.mandate [mændeɪt]




✎ 示例:


The President was elected with a clear mandate to tackle violent crime. 总统当选时获得了解决暴力犯罪问题的明确授权。




210.mar [mɑː]




✎ 示例:


A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event. 许多问题破坏了该事件的顺利进行。




211.maritime [mærɪtaɪm]


a.  海洋的,海运的,海事的


✎ 示例:


Over on Maritime Community there was an article about Ship Spares In Transit and what the term means. 在海洋界,有一个条约是关于运输中的船用备件以及此条款的定义。




212. maternal [mətɜːn(ə)l]


a.  母亲的,母系的


✎ 示例:


I have no desire to have a child, no maternal or paternal instinct. 我没有想要孩子的意愿,没有母性的或父性的本能。








✎ 示例:


And always, we think about a medication treatment for each and every problem. 往往我们每遇到一个问题都会想到药物治疗。




214.mentor [mɛntɔr]


n.①导师 ②顾问


✎ 示例:


Pick one program, course or mentor you resonate with, and stick with it. 选择一个方案、课程或与你有共鸣的良师益友,并坚持下去。




215.merchandise [mɜːtʃ(ə)ndaɪz]




✎ 示例:


We delivered the merchandise to them. 我们把货物送交给他们。




216.metabolism [mɪtæbəlɪz(ə)m]




✎ 示例:


All living matter undergoes a process of metabolism. 一切生物都有新陈代谢。




217.metaphor [metəfə]




✎ 示例:


This metaphor is very appropriate. 这个隐喻很贴切。




218.meticulous [mətɪkjələs]




✎ 示例:


He was meticulous in his use of words. 他用词很谨慎。




219.mindset [maɪn(d)set]




✎ 示例:


I try to have a positive mindset, and keep my mind focused on what I have to do. 我努力保持一个乐观的心态,并让我的思想集中在我必须做什么上面。




220.monarchy [mɒnəki]




✎ 示例:


People are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more. 人们会越来越多地质疑君主制的作用。




221.monotony [mənɒt(ə)ni]




✎ 示例:


This is a good way to develop new interests, and friends and to break up the monotony of everyday life. 这是一个发展新的兴趣,结交朋友和打破每天的单调生活的好办法。




222.morale [mərɑːl]




✎ 示例:


Morale perked up immediately at the good news. 听到这个好消息,士气立刻振作起来。