
发布日期:2018-06-02 20:26 本文摘要:雅思阅读中的快速阅读,究竟有多重要? So why skimming is so important to your test success?为什么快速阅读对你考试成功如此的重要? Its simple, really: even if your English language skills are as close to perfection as possible, you wont be a




  So why skimming is so important to your test success?为什么快速阅读对你考试成功如此的重要?

  Its simple, really: even if your English language skills are as close to perfection as possible, you wont be able to demonstrate it on the exam unless you manage to answer the majority questions.这真的很简单:即便你的英语语言技能是如此的接近于完美,但你也没有办法在考试中证明它,除非你能回答大多数的考题。

  When it comes to the most common complaints about the test, they all focus on one issue in particular: not having enough time to answer all of the reading comprehension questions. Because test takers are so focused on reading and absorbing the meaning of every word, they lose out on valuable time......Time that could be spent getting that ultimate passing score!当涉及到考试最常见的抱怨就是,人们都特别的关注在一个问题上:没有足够的时间回答阅读理解中所有的题目。因为考生如此专注于阅读和理解每一个单词的意思,就这样浪费了宝贵的时间。...时间应该被花在最终考试的通过分数上!
If youve been gripped by a cold hard test practice fear, not to worry: the skimming strategy below will help you breeze through the toughest part of the test– guaranteed. 如果你已经被这种冰冷的硬性的“测试练习”恐惧所笼罩,不要担心:下面这种快速阅读策略将保证会帮助你轻松完成考试中最难的部分。
• Dont worry about absorbing every single word of that reading comprehension passage. Instead, the goal is to find out the reading passages main information as quickly as possible. To do this, read the exam questions first and underline main keywords. Then make a note of these keywords as you skim through the reading passage, as these are the answers youre looking for. • 不要忧心于去理解阅读理解文章中的每一个单词。相反,目标是尽快找出阅读文章中的主要信息。要做到这些,首先阅览考试的题目并划出关键词,然后在你快速阅读文章的时候找出那些关键词并做好标志,因为这就是你在寻找的答案。
• Read the first paragraph quickly and underline any word that is capitalized, a number, a reference to time, or odd. • 快速阅览第一段并划出任何一个大写的词、一个数字、一个参考的时间或者奇数。
• Read the last paragraph quickly and underline any word that is capitalized, a number, a reference to time, or odd. • 快速阅览最后一段并划出任何一个大写的词、一个数字、一个参考的时间或者奇数。
• Train yourself to skim like a pro by only reading first and last paragraphs. Now take a look at the test questions and see if any can be answered by this information alone. Once youve knocked out these questions, only read the first and last sentence of the middle paragraphs. These spots are rich with the information you need to ace your reading comprehension section. • 仅仅阅读文章的第一段和最后一段,来训练自己像一个专业人士一样略读。现在看看那些考题并找出是否有任何可以被单独作为答案的信息。一旦把这些问题都解决了,只看中间段落的第一个和最后一个句子。这些有着丰富的信息点足可以成为你阅读理解部分取得好成绩的王牌。

  How to Apply Skimming to three kinds of Reading Comprehension Questions. 如何将快速阅读技巧运用于三种阅读理解题。
• Word Use Questions • 单词使用题
• Citation Questions • 引用题
• General Passage or Inference Questions • 一般段落或者推断题

  Word Use Questions
These questions ask you how a particular word is used in the passage. They often look like this:
In line x, the word [word] most nearly means . . . .
To answer these questions, take the quoted word out of the sentence thats cited in the question, and then substitute each of the answer choices into the cited sentence. Only one of the answer choices will make any sense. 单词使用题

   这些问题问你一个特别的单词在文中被如何应用,他们通常看起来这样:在第x行中,单词“单词”的意思大概是. . . .

  Citation Questions
Citation Questions point you to a specific section of the text and ask you a question about it. They often look like this:
the author probably mentions [a particular concept] in line x in order to . . .
To answer a Citation Question, you need to read the cited part of the passage and look for the answer choice that restates most of the citation.引用题
引用题把你带到文中一个特定的章节,问你一个关于它的问题,他们通常是这样的:作者可能在x行中提到了一个特定的概念为了. . .

  General Passage Questions
These questions ask about the text as a whole. They might look like this:
The author of the passage would be most likely to support which one of the following statements?
General Passage or Inference Questions are easy to answer once youve answered all the Citation Questions. You just follow the same steps as for Citation Questions, but consider all of the citations in the other questions to be fair fame for the General Passage Questions.
As you see that none of the question types requires you to read the entire passage.




