
发布日期:2018-07-11 07:54 本文摘要:面试技巧:12个肢体语言暗示助你一臂之力!(下)6. Hold still.6. 静静不动。 Try to avoid nervously adjusting your clothes, twirling your hair, tapping your fingers, or fidgeting in any other way.尽量避免紧张地调整衣服,转动头发,敲打手指,或

  面试技巧:12个肢体语言暗示助你一臂之力!(下)6. Hold still.6. 静静不动。

  Try to avoid nervously adjusting your clothes, twirling your hair, tapping your fingers, or fidgeting in any other way.尽量避免紧张地调整衣服,转动头发,敲打手指,或者以任何其他方式坐立不安。

  It says to the person you are speaking to, Im not interested and I cant wait to get out of here, Glass said. Even if you dont mean it, that is what it says.“它对你交谈的人说,‘我不感兴趣,我等不及要离开这里,’”格拉斯说。“即使你不是故意的,那也是它说的。”

   7. Dont cross your legs.7. 别翘二郎腿

  Your legs and feet should be planted on the floor as we tend to cross and uncross our legs when sitting too long, Reiman said.雷曼说:“你的腿脚应该放在地板上,因为当我们坐得太久的时候,我们倾向于交叉双腿,伸直双腿。”

  That would fall under the category of fidgeting.这属于坐立不安的表现。

   8. Feel free to smile when appropriate.8. 你可以在适当的时候微笑。

  Smiling is important when appropriate, Reiman said. Do not perma-grin throughout the meeting, it offers the perception that you do not take things serious.雷曼说:“适当的时候微笑是很重要的。”“不要在整个会议中都咧嘴笑,这会让人觉得你不把事情看得很严重。”

   9. Vary your voice patterns.9. 改变你的说话语调

  You could sabotage the clever words coming out of your mouth by speaking in a monotone.你可以用单调的语调说话来破坏你嘴里说出来的聪明的话。

  A monotone is boring and doesnt give away emotion, so it confuses and upsets the person who is listening to you, Glass said. They may eventually tune out. You need to have a variety of tones in your voice when you speak so people can tell if you are sad, mad, or glad.格拉斯说:“单调乏味,不会流露情感,因此会让听你讲话的人感到困惑和不安。”他们最终可能会放弃。当你说话的时候,你的声音需要有不同的音调,这样人们才能知道你是悲伤、疯狂还是高兴。

   10. Use hand gestures to frame your words.10. 用手势表达你的意思。

  As humans, we are drawn to movement, Reiman said. Use your hands to frame your words — your hands are powerful tools when you draw them back to yourself on positive notes, anchoring positivity to you and your capabilities.“作为人类,我们被运动所吸引,”雷曼说。“用你的双手来组织你的话语——当你用积极的音符把它们拉回到自己身边时,你的双手是有力的工具,是你的积极性和你的能力的支撑。”

   11. Nod when appropriate.11. 在适当的时候点头。

  Woman tend to their nod their heads in encouragement, while men more often nod in agreement, according to Reiman.据雷曼所说,女性倾向于点头表示鼓励,而男性则更多地点头表示同意。

  The head nod is a powerful way to show agreement as well as get agreement from the interviewer, Reiman said. This is a tactic that typically works if it is done subtly while talking about your own good points.雷曼说:“点头是表达同意和得到面试官同意的有力方式。”“如果你在谈论自己的优点时能巧妙地做到这一点,那么这种策略通常是有效的。”

   12. On your way out, show an interest in your surroundings.12. 在你走出面试场地时,对周围的环境表现出兴趣。

  Upon exiting, it is good to look around slightly (giving the impression you are taking in visually your next work environment) and smile, Reiman said.雷曼说:“当你离开时,稍微环顾一下四周(给人一个你从视觉上感受着工作环境的印象)是很好的。”

  Remember, from the moment you arrive for a job interview until the moment you leave, you need to be keenly aware of your gestures and nonverbal cues, she added. Gestures are what we had before there were words - body language is primal to us and we interpret much faster than we understand and process words.她补充说:“记住,从你参加面试的那一刻起,到你离开的那一刻,你都需要敏锐地意识到你的手势和非语言暗示。”“手势是我们在语言出现之前就有的东西——肢体语言对我们来说是最基本的,我们理解和处理语言的速度要比我们理解和处理语言快得多。”