
发布日期:2018-06-15 10:22 本文摘要:理由二(环保,省钱:这个点是中国孩子想不到的,因为国外,特别是美国公共交通如火车汽车等的费用有时候比自己开车多多了,后面作者还举了一个10美元的小例子): Good for the ecosystem. It would save the plan


  Good for the ecosystem. It would save the planet from global warming and in turn(反过来) would save money because more people would be using the same car saving millions. It costs almost $10 for aone way tripacross town and for many people this could pay for dinner.(单程过一个镇子几乎要花掉10美金并且对于很多人来说这个钱都可以付晚餐了)On top of this it (除此之外)would reduce congestion on the road.More public transport would reduce global warming by taking cars off our roads.(更多的公共交通会通过减少车从而减少全球变暖状况)

  Free public transport would reduce the number of cars on the road. Global warming is a serious issue and, if public transport was free, more people would use it, taking cars off the road. 1 train could take 2000 cars off the road. A public transport system with 20 trains could take 40,000 cars off the road.Some people would simply choose to not own cars, further reducing the number of cars on the road. Across dozens of cities in a nation and thousands world-wide, the result of free public transport would be dramatic incutting vehicle emissions and combating global warming.(减少汽车尾气以及抵抗全球变暖)

  5. 关于开车人要在繁忙街道付额外费用的问题driver should pay additional fee in busy street or not:


