
发布日期:2018-07-06 11:43 本文摘要:[16:31.73]Hes a smooth talker. (他的嘴甜着呢。) [16:38.00]Hes nobodys fool. (他是个不可小看的人。 ) [16:44.91]He often says absurd things. (他净说些傻话。) [16:53.69]He has no sense of responsibility

  [16:31.73]He's a smooth talker. (他的嘴甜着呢。)

  [16:38.00]He's nobody's fool. (他是个不可小看的人。 )

  [16:44.91]He often says absurd things. (他净说些傻话。)

  [16:53.69]He has no sense of responsibility.(他一点儿责任心都没有。 )

  [17:03.45]He's very offensive. (他真是个让人讨厌的人。 )

  [17:10.20]He's a difficult man to deal with. (他这人很难对付。 )

  [17:18.76]He's a stubborn old man. (他是个倔老头。 )

  [17:25.57]He's aiming too high. (他总是好高骛远。 )

  [17:32.79]That man never admits defeat.(他从不认输。 )

  [17:41.19]He's very vague. (他是个难以捉摸的人。)

  [17:48.29]He's crooked. (他性格乖张。)

  [17:53.06]He's good for nothing.(他一无是处。 )

  [17:58.99]She's shy around strangers.(她认生。 )

  [18:06.42]You're too timid.(你是个胆小鬼。 )

  [18:12.24]He's acting big.(他在逞强。 )

  [18:17.77]He has a short temper. (他动不动就生气。 )

  [18:24.31]He eats like a horse. (他很能吃。 )

  [18:30.68]Your perfume is strong.(你的香水味真够呛人的。)


  [18:42.58]I'm young in spirit. (我的心还很年轻。 )

  [18:48.58]I'm all thumbs. (我笨手笨脚的。)

  [18:53.41]I like being alone.(我喜欢独处。 )

  [18:59.10]I'm easygoing. (我这个人比较随和。 )

  [19:04.58]I get embarrassed easily. (我遇事就慌。 )

  [19:10.47]I'm practical about everything. (我做什么事都很现实。)

  [19:17.69]I have a one-track mind. (我是一根筋。 )

  [19:23.89]I'm a good judge of character.(我看人很准。)

  [19:30.43]I have a sweet tooth. (我爱吃甜食。 )

  [19:35.80]I prefer wine to sweets.(我是个酒鬼。 )

  [19:42.03]I have led a dog's life. (我过着悲惨的生活。 )

  [19:49.33]I have poor eyesight.(我的视力不好。)

  [19:54.88]THE END


