
发布日期:2018-12-06 15:07 本文摘要:摘要:2019年1月雅思口语Part23新题预测之范文和解题思路:有趣动物是一个出现频率较高的话题,属于物品类。我们在进行素材积累的时候应该首先要记住这种动物的名字,然后对他的特点进行描述。 2019年1月雅思口语题库预测为大家带来物品类的考题预测:有趣动




   Describe a time of seing interesing animals
You should say:
what the animals were
when and where you saw it;
what it was doing when you saw it;
and explain how you felt about it.



Well. Id like to talk about alpacas, which are the most interesting animal Ive ever seen. Iwent to a suburban zoo with myfriends and saw them for the firstime. They looked very gentle,maybe it was just because of their appearance. They are verysimilar with sheep and camel, but cuter than sheep and smaller than camel. I guess thats the reason why they are adorable. When I first saw them, it seemed that they were a little scared. I fed them food but they finished it when I was not around instead of eating it immediately. The most amusing behaviour was that they spitted at people. The staff told us that they would spit when they are pissed. One of my friends fed a smaller alpaca and ignored the igger one. She got punishment in just a few seconds. She said itwas smelly and got a little angry.But Ipersonally think this behaviour is adorable because it makes me feel that they are like kids, not just animals.
I will go to that zoo someother time, and bring my other friends or my parents. I want to introduce this kind of interesting animal to more people.


