剑桥雅思11Test2口语话题Part1参考答案 Friends话题

发布日期:2018-06-01 16:18 本文摘要:摘要:备考雅思,几乎大部分精力与时间都是围绕着剑桥雅思系列展开。可是其中的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案。不过,小编为大家奉上小站独家的口语范文。你喜欢做独狼还是呼朋引伴游戏人间?请接受剑雅11 Test2口语Part1话题范文:Friends,共4个问题的拷问

  摘要:备考雅思,几乎大部分精力与时间都是围绕着剑桥雅思系列展开。可是其中的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案。不过,小编为大家奉上小站独家的口语范文。你喜欢做独狼还是呼朋引伴游戏人间?请接受剑雅11 Test2口语Part1话题范文:Friends,共4个问题的拷问。




   1.How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]


   • Brainstorming: how often→frequency;personal arrangement; present simple tense

   • Useful expressions: such…that; athleticism; ease the pressure;efficiently

   Almost every day, I hang out with my friends since I am a college student who is living in the dorm of my campus. All my roommates are my friends, and we take courses together, have meals together and even do all the other things together.

   2.Tell me about your best friend at school.


   • Brainstorming: best friend→ hobbies shared with him; valuable experience; present simple tense and past simple tense

   • Useful expressions: tremendous; spend time doing; prevent

   My best friend in my high school was the girl who helped me a lot about my study at that time. She was patient and friendly to me. Finally, the friendship between us evolved into love. What I mean is that she is my girlfriend now.

   3.How friendly are you with your neighbours? [Why/Why not?]


   • Brainstorming: neighbours→ family parties; present simple tense

   • Useful expression: be in harmony with; be not second to

   Fairly friendly. There is a typical Chinese family of three people living in next door of my apartment. Luckily, the child of this family is in my age, and in fact we are classmates and of course good friends. We often visit each other’s home for doing homework or watching some movies together.

   4.Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]


   • Brainstorming: friends or family→singular choice, personal stories with family; present tense

   • Useful expressions: from one’s point of view; despite the fact that; irreplaceable

   Without any hesitation, I choose my family who are obviously much morecrucial to me. Family members, especially our parents, do whatever they can do to offer us a better life. In every second of my life, I can feel the love my family members give me. However, sometimes friends are the people who can have happy time with you, but not who can face troubles with you. Family members are the only people who are always on your side.








   以上就是小站为大家带来的《剑桥雅思11Test2口语话题Part1参考答案 Friends话题》的全部内容, 想让自己的雅思口语答案如考官范文般流畅自然,如清风拂面,明月照江,除了自身的持续努力之外,还要讲究方式方法。祝大家2018年与雅思一战即分道扬镳。