
发布日期:2018-10-18 15:47 本文摘要:摘要:参考雅思写作范文能够很大程度帮助考生在短期内提升写作水平。因为可以了解范文的逻辑和用词规范。今天小站君给大家带来关于个人依赖和独立的雅思写作话题分类和范文解析。 雅思写作范文能够让考生有效学习遣词造句的技巧,还能扩展词汇量。对于基础薄



   雅思写作题目:Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. But others say that individuals are becoming more independent on each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



   第一段 : 社会背景描述+正向/反向观点表达+ 自己观点



   第四段:让步段 另一种观点的合理性+对此观点反驳

   第五段: 总结全文 +提出建议


   Along with the highly-developed science and technology and all-round improvement of productionefficiency, modern society dominated by industrial manufacturing makes it possible to change the relation between individuals to a large extent. Therefore, some individuals deem that people tend to increasingly depend on each other. Others, nevertheless, including me, are convinced that modern society makes people become more independent of each other than ever before, given changes of working environments and individual values.


   To begin with, the increasing complexity of working environments resulting from modern society gives rise to more independence of individuals. For example, huge pressures, fierce competitions and detailed and specific division of labor in modern society need people toaccomplish relevant jobs more independently of each other in spite of existing collaboration with each other. Hence, dedicating more time and energy into their own work means reducing the time devoted to working by relying on others. From this point, the increasing independence of people living in modern society is the irreversible tendency of the society.



   In addition, the great changes of individual values evoked by modern society makes people turn out to be more independent. To be better qualified for work and stand out from the crowds , a growing number of individuals are inclined to more emphasizing on the comprehensive improvement of skills instead of seeking and relying on assistance from outside and from others, tackling numerous and complicated issues that they are confronted with independently .


   Admittedly,completion of plentiful of projects and tasks need the coordination and cooperation of team to cope with instead of merely depending on individuals, therefore, the mutual reliance between people becomes more intensified. However, the cooperation is based on the efforts of independent individuals in possession of relevant skills and qualifications, that is to say, the dependence of the individuals is the vital key to impacting collaboration. Undeniably, the independence of individuals required by the current society is more prominent than dependence of each other.



   On balance, after summarizing the outlinedperspectives above, I am convinced that complexity of working environments and changes of individual values in the modern society lead to more independence among people, which is also the essential characteristic required by developments of the current society , meanwhile, confronting with the arduous and complicated tasks could enhance mutual collaboration further.

