
发布日期:2018-10-12 18:02 本文摘要:雅思口语高分模板:地图描述摘要:在雅思口语备考中,很多同学都会出现无话可说的情况。今天小站君为大家带来一些地图描述的高分模板,同学除了可以运用在雅思口语部分,还能够扩展雅思写作素材。 在雅思口语中,很多时候需要积累一定的高分模板。因为能够让



   Do you ever use a map?

   Yeah I do. I mean, I often use a GPS when I’m driving somewhere that I’m not familiar with, and I find it super helpful, because I don’t have a very good sense of direction!



   When do you use a map?

   Let me have a little think… umm….when do I use a map….umm…. oh yeah, I guess the time when I most often use a map is when I’m on holiday somewhere, because I find it helps give me a better understanding of the place, and also saves me from getting lost.


   Who taught you to use a map?

   I don’t actually think anyone taught me how to use a map, you know, I kind of justfigured it out for myself. And I’ve never really had a problem understanding them because they tend to be pretty self-explanatory, (at least for me anyway).


   Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?

   I’d say I generally prefer using electronic ones, because they basically have more functions. For example, if you’re not sure how to get somewhere, electronic maps will be able to actually highlight the best route to take, and (not just that, but they) also give youdetailed timings for each part of the journey, which is something that paper maps can’t really do.



   Have you ever asked others for directions?

   Yeah, sure I have, and I think it’s fair to say most people have at some stage or other. You know, asking others for directions can save a lot of time wandering around getting hopelessly lost, and I’ve alwaysfound people to be very helpful whenever I’ve asked them how to get somewhere.



   GPS – 导航仪 (It Stands For Global Positioning System, But In Spoken English, We Just Say GPS. In The UK, It’s Also Common To Say “Sat-Nave” Short For “Satellite Navigation”

   Self-Explanatory - 不解自明的,不言自明的

   At Least For Me Anyway – At Least That’s What I Think 反正对我来说是的 (Here, “Anyway” Doesn’t Mean Anything, It Just Goes Together With “At Least”.

   Not Just That, (But)… - 不仅如此,

   Highlight – (在计算机屏幕上)突出显示 To Highlight A Piece Of Text Means To Mark It In A Different Color, Either With A Special Type Of Pen Or On A Computer

   I Think It’s Fair To Say - I Think It’s True To Say (我觉得可以说……)

   At Some Stage Or Other – At Some Time / At Some Point (在某个阶段)


   Maps help me figure what (number) bus to take when I’m going somewhere for the first time.

   Maps help me plot (out) which route to take.

   I’m awful at map reading.

   Maps help me plan (out) where I want to go when I’m on holiday (somewhere).

