
发布日期:2018-09-26 18:00 本文摘要:摘要:转眼2018年雅思考试已经进入下半年倒计时了,又有一波考生们进入留学申请的材料递交阶段,下面由小站雅思君为大家带来10月雅思阅读机经预测,小站雅思君友情提示:阅读机经虽好,可不要贪多哦。考生们主要还是关注阅读的重点题型和题型技巧,2018年10


   参加10月雅思考试的考生们请注意,雅思阅读机经了解一下。具体雅思阅读机经内容,请戳雅思阅读机经频道: 如何正确使用雅思阅读机经,及雅思阅读机经中的生词及重点题型,请看下文。



   雅思阅读机经文章题目1: Typography Introduction of Printed books

   重复年份20160312 20110127






   1. Early books have many errors – F

   2. 活字印刷里就记得在M**某个地方只有富人才买得起书– T

   3. 刚开始printing的书,插图illustration – T

   4. Business man in Roma begin to notice the value of printing can make money F


   5. 类似流程图从上往下一步步说怎么印刷

   6-7. Assembling Fonts: sheet of paper

   8. 第1版是用来更正错误的proof reading

   9. types……pages are in right sequence

   10. Local newspapers做宣传

   11-12. 问两种印刷方法的单词: binding and simulating

   文章题目 Fluoridation in the water

   重复年份20160312 20140719 20130119






   1. How hot is the area A

   2. People should not be forced to take compulsory medication

   3. To demonstrate that scientists’ finding will be influenced by social factors


   4. 待补充

   5. Science should not decide policy

   6. Scientific and social factors should be separated No

   7. Many sociologist ignore S’s study

   8. S work was not emphasized by sicnetists outside the northern America NG

   9. Both supporters and opponents have made valid argument. YES


   10. Science isobjective and unbiased

   11. Can be affected by social factors

   12. Scientific discovery cannot be understood at first

   13. Cautious action is not necessary

   14. People should have the right to choose

   13. They lived very near to the book industry


   雅思阅读机经文章题目2: Unique golden textile

   重复年份20160421 20131121



   文章大意蜘蛛丝与纺织品。文章讲述了golden spider是如何在体内把Liquid silk转化为solid silk的过程,文章中提到了一些科学家针对蜘蛛做的实验,如何提高capacity。在结尾两段讲述了关于spider silk的医学应用及市场的积极前景。



   iexperiment of an old idea

   ii lifecycle of Madagascar spiders

   iii advances in textile industry

   iv resources to meet demands

   v physical property of spider silk

   vi scientific analysis spider silk

   vii work of art

   viii importance of silk textile

   ix difficult to raise spider in capacity

   14. Paragraph A viii

   15. Paragraph B v

   16. Paragraph C ix

   17. Paragraph D i

   18. Paragraph E iv

   19. Paragraph F vii


   A. Simon Peers B. Nicholas Godlley C. Blackledge

   20. need tremendous spider to make a small amount of spider silk B

   21 Scientists want qualities of spider silk for medical use A

   22 Scientists make progress to manufacture spider silk C

   23 spider silk materials are be of strength A


   24. grow silk by introduce genetic material into bacteria and animals

   25. Silk come from liquid protein made in a gland inside of bodies.

   26. Spider silk spins cause force to make liquid turn to solid silk.


   雅思阅读机经文章题目3: British Woodlands

   重复年份20160430 20120421






   27 a description of careless working practices that harm woodland F

   28 details of landscape prior to human intervention B

   29 arguments against cash rewards H

   30 a botanical source ofevidence for the appearance of primitive woodland B

   31 reasons for reduced economic importance of woodland E

   32 a reason for recent improvements of woodland management G

   33 an implication for people of unhealthy tree A


   Evolution of British Woodland

   When woodland started to grow after last Ice Age. certain 34. species naturally

   dominated certain regions of Britain. People then intervened to reduce the woodland by using grazing animals and methods such as 35. burning and coppicing. An increasing number of trees have been grown to meet the demand of 36. Industry

   Situations of woodland in Britain deteriorated due to the use of 37. I and the rigid 38. planting patterns of woodland. Such practices also destroyed the 39.habits G of animals and other wildlife.

   However, in the twentieth century, the state of woodland in Britain has been improved. 40.grants available for fund encourage people to plant trees in good quality.
