考官剑桥雅思真题听力练习方法推荐 附听力评分标准

发布日期:2018-05-29 19:23 本文摘要:摘要:本文提供剑桥雅思听力部分的练习建议,注意是前雅思考官simon的良心总结。对于如何合理使用剑雅雅思,如何最大化利用其价值,相信是很多烤鸭关心的问题。听力作为最具提分潜力的科目,尤其值得大家去好好体会。文末放上喜闻乐见听力评分标准,大家可参


   Here are 4 techniques that you couldexperiment with when practising IELTS listening tests from the Cambridge books


   Work on specific sections rather than doing full tests. For example, you could focus on section 1 this week, then do lots of examples of section 2 next week.


   Do a full test, but allow yourself to listen two or three times. See how many extra answers you get the second or third time you listen to the recording.


   Do a full test, but give yourself as much time as you want during the breaks (by stopping the recording). This takes away the problem of not having time to read the questions properly, and allows you to focus more on your listening skills.

   3. 做完整测试,但可以随时暂停录音。如此可以排除因没有足够时间读题导致的失分,可专注于训练你的听力技能。

   Change the listening test into a reading test. Instead of listening to the recording, use the transcript at the back of the book. Did you get a higher score than usual? If you did, your listening skills need more work. If you didnt, maybe your problem is related to vocabulary.


   The suggestions above might help you to find where your weaknesses are. They might also make exam practice a bit more interesting!





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