剑桥雅思13Test1 大作文话题范文与解读:外语带来问题

发布日期:2018-05-29 12:32 本文摘要:摘要:为大家带来一篇英国老师对最新的剑桥雅思13的大作文话题的所写的范文,配上范文解读。这道话题为一道全新话题,探讨在国外,因为必须说外语是否会产生严重的社会问题。同意与否题型。请看地道语言下的严密逻辑论述秀。 剑桥雅思13 test1话题 Living in


   剑桥雅思13 test1话题 Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 生活在一个必须使用外语的国家会导致严重的社会问题和现实问题。同意与否。范文为4段,反对立场。



   1) 同意的立场

   可以用一边倒的方式,分2-3个主体段列举Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language情况下遇到的social problems和practical problems即可。不过,要注意展示问题的严重性(其实就是选择严重的问题来写,不严重的问题不能作为论据)。

   2) 反对的立场

   这个立场,会难一些。在Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language情况下,必然会遇到问题,且不能忽视。所谓不同意,就是要论证这些虽然是问题,但都不严重。




   Some people consider that the speaking of a non-native language in one’s country of residence may pose significant problems in terms of everyday living and social relations. Though I agree that there is likely to be inconvenience in some specific situations, overall, the scale of thenegative impacts is probably small.




   There are two main situations where I believe that the need to speak a foreign language in one’s own country can generate some difficulties. The first one is that conducting complex business in a foreign language can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. In some contexts, it is vital that all parties can express and understand every detail accurately, such as when negotiating the terms of a commercial contract. The second problematic feature is that not everyone is skilled at foreign languages and using them takes up energy and time that they would probably prefer not to spend. Indeed, we cannot be surprised if plumbers and cleaners, for example, were not skilled at the use of languages spoken by some of their clients, given that devoting professional time to improving practical skills is also very important for them.

   主题句:我认为在自己居住的国家需要说自己的外语,能产生麻烦的情况有两种。剑桥雅思13Test1 大作文话题范文与解读:外语带来问题





   Nevertheless, in my view, the issues that communication in non-native languages in one’s own country give rise to are notsufficient to be to blame for serious social and practical problems. Countries with two or more official languages have usually become adept at accommodating speakers of all recognised languages in official procedures. For example, in Switzerland, court papers may be submitted in French, German or Italian – the main official languages – and courts are allocated resources to translate them as required. A further means of preventing social problems can be seen in bilingual countries such as Canada, whose education system and civic values promote respect for differing cultures and linguistic backgrounds. This means that when official systems to minimise the impact of linguistic differences do not suffice,ordinary people are less likely to feel angry and alienated. Rather, they tend to see the communication problems as opportunities for greater understanding.





   In summary, I take the view that, the problems relating to the need to use a foreign language in one’s own country are often kept to a minimum on account of government efforts toaccommodate all main linguistic groups.



   1) adept:very skilled; proficient; expert

   an adept juggler.

   2) 题干信息living in a coutry where you have to speak a foreign language的替换

   the speaking of a non-native language in one’s country of residence

   the need to use a foreign language in one’s own country

   3) 题干信息social problems, as well as practical problems的替换

   problems in terms of everyday living and social relations

   4) civic values

   The Civic values Are principles of conduct centered onpersonal relationships within a society and serve to maintain social order.

   Solidarity Responsibility Respect Justice Cooperation Honesty Sincerity

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