剑桥雅思5听力Test1Section2答案及解析 广播节目场景

发布日期:2018-05-28 16:06 本文摘要:摘要:本文分享剑桥雅思5听力练习Test1Section2的答案及解析,一个广播节目,对几个品牌的婴儿床进行评测。文末总结了出现的重点听力词汇。烤鸭们,最高效的雅思听力的备考其实只需要聚焦剑桥雅思即可。 对于雅思听力来说,一套剑桥雅思4-13,从练习到精听到


   对于雅思听力来说,一套剑桥雅思4-13,从练习到精听到泛听再到模考,善用之7分妥妥的。本文分享剑桥雅思5听力部分Test1 Section2 的答案解析与场景词汇整理,关于广播节目的场景。



   从题型来说,这10道题目分为9道表格和1道填空,是雅思听力section 2中比较少见的一种情况。这部分大多数情况下还是以单选和匹配为主。不过填空题相对来说要比选择好做一些。场景上来说,它是一个广播节目,对几个品牌的婴儿床进行评测。虽然广播节目这个形式比较常见,但婴儿床的具体内容几乎就这一个题目出现过。


   Question 11

   答案: move around/move about


   The first cot we looked at was by Baby Safe and it had several good points to recommend it. Our testers liked the fact that it had four wheels, so it was easy to move around.

   解题思路:Baby Safe为定位词,很容易听出答案。

   Question 12

   答案: brakes


   The only slight problems with this cot were that it had no brakes, but they didnt think that mattered too much.


   Question 13



   At first they were a bit concerned about the side bar, because they felt babies could trap their fingers in it…

   解题思路:side bar 为定位关键词,注意fingers的复数形式。

   Question 14

   答案: satisfactory


   … but our testers felt that this was unlikely to happen so they have given this one a verdict of satisfactory.


   Question 15

   答案: put (it) together


   The next cot was by Choice Cots and this time our testers were pleased to find a cot which is simple to put together-unlike others we looked at.

   解题思路: Choice Cots 为定位词,在这里,simple=easy。

   Question 16

   答案: too wide


   However, the real problem with this cot was the space between the bars; our testers found they were too wide and a baby could easily trap his head.

   解题思路:space between the bars 在原文中完全重现,因此很容易得出答案。

   Question 17



   We felt this was a real safety hazard and so we have labelled this one dangerous, Im afraid.

   解题思路:这次没有用verdict这个词,用labelled 表示了同样的意思。

   Question 18



   Thenegatives for this one were quite minor; the only niggle everyone had was the fact that it has no wheels and the only other problem anyone could find, was that there were pictures which were simply stuck on and so could easily become detached.

   解题思路: it has no wheels 就是 did not have any wheels。难度可能是有的学生不熟悉或者说不认识niggle这个单词。

   Question 19

   答案:(the) best/(the) best buy /safe


   As this cot will then be safe in every way, we have made the Mothers Choice cot our best buy. Congratulations Mothers Choice!





   So, what features should you look for in a babys cot? Well obviously safety is a very important factor as well as comfort and convenience. We recommend that, if you are buying a cot, do make sure that any metal present is not rusted or bent in any way. You should ensure your cot has only rounded or smooth edging without any sharp edges, this is especially important for wooden cots.

   解题思路:已经给出的信息就帮助了定位答案区,not 同义于without。

   剑桥雅思5Test1听力Section 2重点词汇

   brake 刹车。它的读音和break完全一样,不要搞混了。brake只有刹车的意思。而break除了打破外,还有休息的意思。在section 1和section 4都有可能出现。

   finger 手指。身体部位之一。同样容易考到的还有ankle脚踝,knee膝盖,back后背等。多多注意就好。

   satisfactory 令人满意的。satisfy的形容词形式。考试中出现的比较少一些。大家记着拼写就好。

   wheel 轮子。一般都出现在section 2介绍某样物品的时候。偶尔section 1 也会考到。不过很少单独考wheel,而是考wheelchair这个组合词。

   以上就是小编为大家带来的《剑桥雅思5听力Test1Section2答案及解析 广播节目场景》的全部内容,雅思备考从剑桥雅思起,到剑桥雅思终,大家一定要善用之。祝大家2018年与雅思一战即分道扬镳。