
发布日期:2018-08-27 15:15 本文摘要:摘要:2018年8月25日的雅思大作文话题为教育类话题,下半年教育类话题或是高频大作文话题,各位考生需注意此类话题的练习。本期大作文讨论的是7岁前上小学是否合适?讨论两方观点并给出你的观点。下面请看本期小站大作文范文及真题解析。 2018年8月25日的雅


   2018年8月25日的雅思大作文题目为:Some people think young children should get formal study at school as early as possible, However, others believe that children should not go to school until 7 years old. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.日益激烈的竞争下,全球都在讨论教育话题,但让孩子更早进入小学真的合适吗?本期话题难度一般,考生们都有话可说,考生们要注意两方观点及个人观点的比重及逻辑关系。下面请看本期雅思大作文范文及真题解析:




   本题讨论幼童是否应该及早开始上学以及儿童是不是应该等到7岁才开始正式上学。题目类型是议论文的两种观点类题目, 题目的问法是“Discuss both sides and give your own opinion”类型,可以采用4段式作文结构。







   Stress-free 无压力的

   Sacrifice...for 舍弃

   Might as well 最好做某事

   Literacy and numeracy 读写计算能力

   Edge in 优势

   Inflict 使遭受

   Behavioral problems 行为问题

   Erosion 逐步削弱

   Keep pace with 与...同步

   Provided that 如果


   Living in a world where..., 非谓语结构做原因状语

   Not just... but (also) 平行结构(动词平行)

   SVO,aneffective way that ... 概括性同位语

   If lagging behind..., children 状语从句的省略

   Adj as S is, SVO 让步状语从句的倒装

   In an era when 定语从句


   Living in a world where competition has never become less tough and where a stress-free lifestyle seems to be luxury, many children these days have to necessarily sacrifice a happy childhood for preparing their future life. Therefore, starting formal schooling at age 7 is not realistic and instead young children might as well begin formal study earlier.


   Receiving formal education early could not just make preparation for cognitive development but encourage and enable them to learn better social skills. For one thing, with the play-centeredapproach and with the help of dedicated, well-trained,and professional teachers, those young pupils will in advance have access to basic literacy and numeracy skills, an effective way that will in the future give them an edge in academic performance as well as cognitiveability. For another, the school, a society in miniature, is a better place for them to know different people from different places, and a even safer place in which they can gradually understand how to interact with teachers or peers and how to cooperate with each other from an early age. This is a necessary stage for them to lay solidfoundation for the complex social life in the real life.


   Becoming a primary school student at seven is feasible but is more likely to inflict pressure on children. Maybe starting later will give more time for children to mature and this will also reduce the risks of behavioral problems and poor academicachievement. But if lagging behind other peers academically, children who go to school later will be under peer pressure, even an erosion of learning. This is way worse in an era when being a quick learner is of the essence and when everything seems to go so fast that they could not miss out on any opportunity as everyone around them struggles. So this way is not to children’s advantage in today’s society.


   In conclusion, workable theoretically as it is, starting formal schooling later does not keep pace with the global development so what children need to do is to go to school as early as possible provided that this barely has detrimental effects on their growth.



   字数 330 words

   以上就是2018年8月25日雅思大作文范文及真题解析的全部内容,更多雅思大作文范文,请继续关注小站雅思频道。 2018年8月25日雅思大作文范文:更早上学真的好吗