2018年7月28日雅思真题回忆-听力篇 刚刚好

发布日期:2018-07-28 18:32 本文摘要:摘要:2018年7月28日雅思考试机经结束,小站教育教学研发中心贾奕婕老师和王雪薇老师为大家带来今天的考试回忆。听力部分难度适中,大家是否如此感受呢?请看回忆详情。 据考生反映7月28日的雅思听力考试难度正常,section1,2,3为新题,section4为旧题,三新




   2018 年7月28日 雅思听力考题回忆

   Section One 场景:求职


   内容概述:holiday resort job

   1. 名字 Carilly (没有念double L,分开一个个念的)

   2. transportation:ferry and airport

   3. be familiar with children’s family

   4. have xxx and parties (注意复数)

   5. must be able to sing

   6. experience is required (问句中出现答案,后给出肯定回答)

   7. training is provided

   8. free xxx and meals (注意复数)

   9. starts on 13 July (注意干扰)

   10. on Wednesday

   雅思听力Section Two 场景:节日活动


   内容概述:music festival

   11. 忘了

   12. why did they first start?

   commemorate a local musician

   13. what do volunteers enjoy?

   the atmosphere(discount为干扰)

   14. what improvement has been made to comfort tourists?


   15. who decide —— staff/public/...

   16. tickets —— ticket office

   17-20. 选项和题干都忘了,我们一起看图


   雅思听力Section Three 场景:讨论


   内容概述:Tina和Sam讨论psychology-marketing research

   21. advantage C

   22. 形式如何 B people are given one gift chosen by the researchers

   23. B cheaper

   24. C campus

   25-26 AC

   Women are happiest when given...为干扰

   Someone refuse to accept gifts 为干扰

   27-28 problem:CE

   29-30 problem:genuine smile;reason

   雅思听力Section Four 场景:动物


   内容概述: hibernation and migration of butterflies

   31. A蝴蝶(叫xx Hair xx) hibernate when in an egg

   32. B蝴蝶(叫cabbage White) depend on energy stored in xxx

   33. Chemicals in blood serve as antifreeze

   34. Monarch butterflies are dangerous mainly because xxx warm condition.

   35. 6 months ( long journey)

   36. It is the only species migrating in winter

   37. At nights in trees

   38. Navigate using rivers

   39. And sun

   40. Bring an increasing number of tourists

   以上就是小编为大家带来的《2018年7月28日雅思真题回忆-听力篇 刚刚好》的全部内容。更多考试资讯尽再小站雅思频道。雅思备考,左手剑桥雅思,右手小站雅思,祝2018年与雅思一战分手。