剑桥雅思5听力测试Test1Section3答案及解析 课程咨询场景

发布日期:2018-05-26 20:00 本文摘要:摘要:本文分享剑桥雅思5听力练习Test1Section3的答案及解析,课程咨询场景。难度上来说,这10道题目的差别比较大。文末总结了出现的重点听力词汇。烤鸭们,最高效的雅思听力的备考其实只需要聚焦剑桥雅思即可。 对于雅思听力来说,一套剑桥雅思4-13,从练习


   对于雅思听力来说,一套剑桥雅思4-13,从练习到精听到泛听再到模考,善用之7分妥妥的。本文分享剑桥雅思5听力部分Test1 Section3 的答案解析与超多的场景词汇整理。是关于课程咨询的场景。



   题型上来说,这10道题目由单选,多选和总结型填空构成。其中单选和多选都是section 3的常考题型。但总结型填空现在考得比较少一些。这样也好,因为它的难度远大于其他类型的填空题。场景上来说,这篇文章是section 3比较喜欢的课程咨询。我们在剑4 test 3 section 3就曾遇到过一次。


   Question 21



   ANDREW: Yes. Ive been working in the administration section of the local hospital for the last three years.

   解题思路:hospital 为定位词。

   Question 22



   ANDREW: No, not really. Its also a question of finances. You see, my office have agreed to pay the cost of the Course itself, but I would have to take unpaid leave if I want to study full-time and, well, I dont think I could afford to support myself with no salary for a whole year.

   解题思路:原文有cost,但是是cost of the course,不要被B选项干扰了。

   Question 23:



   MONICA: OK. Well, you have two other possibilities: you could either do the part-time course-that would be over two years and you wouldnt have to take any time off work - or you could do what we call a modular course. You could do that in eighteen months if you wanted-or longer, its quite flexible and it would be up to you.

   解题思路:that指代的是part-time courses。

   Question 24 Question 25

   答案:B D (in either order)


   MONICA: Well, its a mixture. Youd be expected to write an essay each month, which counts towards your final assessment. You have a case study to do by the end of the course, which mightinvolve doing a survey or something like that, and also you need to hand in a short report every four weeks.

   解题思路:essay是直接说出来的,short report是用every four weeks表述的。

   Question 26



   MONICA: Thats where you get the opportunity to study full-time for short periods.

   解题思路:the modular course 是定位关键词。

   Question 27

   答案:a term/one term


   And each module lasts for one term, say, about twelve weeks at a time.

   解题思路:lasts 和题干的take 是同义表达。

   Question 28:



   There are obvious advantages in this - the main one being that you can study in a much more intensive way, which suits some people much better.

   解题思路:in a much more intensive way 就是 is very intensive。

   Question 29:

   答案:two modules/(for)two terms


   ANDREW: And how many of these modules would I have to do to get the diploma?

   MONICA: The current programme is two modules-and then you have to choose a topic to work in more depth.

   解题思路: 本题为直接叙述答案。

   Question 30:

   答案: a topic/one topic


   ANDREW: And how many of these modules would I have to do to get the diploma?

   MONICA: The current programme is two modules-and then you have to choose a topic to work in more depth.


   剑桥雅思5Test1听力Section 3重点词汇

   diploma 学位证书。雅思听力section 3背景句中经常出现的单词,往往会和bachelor,master,doctor或者具体的专业一起出现。

   full-time 全日制的。国内的大学普遍都是全日制的,每天都要上课。除此之外,full-time也可以表示全职工作的意思,经常和咱们下面要说的part-time一起出现。

   part-time 在职的。如果用于学习场景中,part-time翻译为在职的比较合适。如果出现在求职场景中,它还可以表示兼职。

   administration 管理,行政。不论是雅思听力的哪个部分,只要提到管理人员或者行政人员,就会说到这个词。但很少作为答案出现。

   finance 财政,金融。雅思听力section 3经常考到的科目之一。此外,它还可以作动词,有为什么筹款的意思。

   salary 工资。既有可能作为答案,也经常出现在题干作为信息提示。大家记着它的拼写和意思。

   flexible 灵活的。雅思听力section 4比较喜欢的词汇之一。通常用来形容某件事情的安排或者时间弹性比较大,可以适应各种改变。

   seminar 讨论课。section 3常考词之一,之前我们已经详细说过,这里不做赘述。

   assessment 评估,评测。有时候在section 3讨论课程设置的时候会提到,通常翻译为考试就可以,但又比考试的形式稍微不正式一些。只要打分就算assessment。

   essay 论文。这种论文相对较短,一般在1000到2000字左右。大家平时在学校里写的作业就叫做essay。

   case study 案例研究。一般讨论商业课程的时候都会提到这个单词。是这个专业学习重要的组成部分。

   module 课程。本身是模块的意思,但出现在学术场景中一般翻译为课程,可以和course同义替换。

   以上就是小编为大家带来的《剑桥雅思5听力测试Test1Section3答案及解析 课程咨询场景》的全部内容,雅思备考从剑桥雅思起,到剑桥雅思终,大家一定要善用之。祝大家2018年与雅思一战即分道扬镳。