
发布日期:2018-06-25 10:03 本文摘要:话题: 网络实名制最主要是为了防止匿名在网上散布谣言,制造恐慌和恶意侵害他人名誉的一系列网络犯罪。下面让我们一起来看看关于网络实名制的四级作文范文。 参考范文: The Intemet has become more and more common and prornised to change our life dra




  ​The Intemet has become more and more common and prornised to change our life dramaticalJy beyond emails and online shopping.

  Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects. In the first place,the Internet provides an easy access to all kinds of information, which contributes to relieve us of laborious work, save our time, facilitatc our lives. In the second place, the Internet has extensively reached evey corner of the world,thus people are connected closely. For example, an on-line conference saves businessmen the trouble of running all over the world to have a meeting. Furthermore, the Intemet offers us entertainment and other ways of relaxation, such as on-line games and on-line shopping.

  However, on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient and a waste of time as well as isolating us from real life only with the company of computers. Some people fix the most sophisticated computer but cant mend a pair of socks. Yet in fat computer reduces the distances and demolishes all boundaries. Whether computer is a blessing or a curse depends on different circumstance and the way you use it.


  ​dramatically [drəmætikli] adv.戏剧地, 惹人注目地

  sopbisticated [səfisukeitid] adj.精密的,高度发展的

  laborious [lə:riəs] adj.困难的,费力的

  demolish [dima:liʃ] v.摧毁,拆除

  faciljtate [fəsiliteit] v.侠便利,减轻困难

  boundary [baundri] n.界限,范围

  extensively [ikstensivli] adv.广阔地

  blessing [blesiŋ] n.幸事

  isolate from 隔离,孤立

  curse [kə:rs] n.痛苦的事




