
发布日期:2018-06-24 08:04 本文摘要:Saunter into a party an hour behind schedule and youre fashionably late. Do the same thing at work and you could be in trouble.比预定时间晚了一小时,淡淡定定走进派对会场,你时髦地迟到了 。如果在工作中也这么做,你可能会惹上麻烦。 Thats prob

  Saunter into a party an hour behind schedule and youre fashionably late. Do the same thing at work and you could be in trouble.比预定时间晚了一小时,淡淡定定走进派对会场,你“时髦地迟到了” 。如果在工作中也这么做,你可能会惹上麻烦。

  Thats probably why respondents to a recent CareerBuilder survey came up with all sorts of crazy excuses for their tardiness. Standouts in terms of weirdness include I put petroleum jelly in my eyes, I was cornered by a moose, and My mother locked me in the closet.这大概就是最近受访者接受凯业必达调查所提出各种各样疯狂的迟到借口的原因了。如果依照怪异程度来筛选,最突出的就包括“我给眼睛涂了凡士林”,“我被一只麋鹿挡住了去路,”以及“我妈妈把我锁在了衣柜里”。

  Business Insider spoke with Rosemary Haefner, the chief human resources officer at CareerBuilder, about how to recover from straggling into work late.业内者网的编辑咨询了Rosemary Haefner——凯业必达公司的人力资源主管,询问她关于如何从迟到的慌乱中恢复状态。

  She notes that every company is different and sometimes, showing up late isnt that big of a deal.她提到了,每一家公司都不一样,而有时候迟到也不是什么大不了的事情。

  Overall, whether or not you need to address it comes down to company culture, Haefner told Business Insider. If everyone is diligently working when you come in late every morning, then you probably stand out. If the occasional late arrival is okay according to your culture and policy, you likely wont be disciplined.“总的来说,你是否需要补救这个问题取决于公司的文化,”Haefner告知业内者网的编辑。“如果每一个人都勤勤恳恳地工作,而你每天早上都迟到,那么你就很突兀了。如果公司的文化和政策允许偶尔的晚到,那么你就不大可能受到训责。”

  However, if youre worried, here are some steps you can take to mitigate your tardiness:不管怎么样,如果你很担心,以下的这些步骤可以缓和迟到所造成的影响。

   1. Call ahead, if you can1. 如果条件允许,提前打电话通知

  If you know youre going to be late, the best thing to do is to call the appropriate parties to let them know, Haefner says. Then, enlist someone to cover you, if necessary and possible.“如果你知道你要迟到了,最好先电话告知相关的人员,”Haefner说道。“然后如果有必要或可以的话,请求某个同事为你照料。”

   2. Consider the impact of your lateness2. 考虑你的迟到所带来的影响

  Did you miss anything big? If not, its probably best to avoid making a huge deal about being late.你会不会错过了任何重要的事情?如果不会,那你还是最好避免迟到得太过分。

  If you were exceptionally late, you may need to move on to an apology letter or email, Haefner says. Another reason you may want to choose this option is if your lateness caused a big problem for the company, such as losing a client.“如果你迟到得太过分了,你可能需要撰写一份道歉信或电子邮件,”Haefner表示。“另一个这么做的理由在于,你的迟到可能会给公司造成了巨大的损失,比如失去了一位客户。”

   3. Apologize3. 道歉

  It never hurts to just say sorry.道歉永远是无害的。

  Being late is a part of life, and its always polite to apologize when it happens, Haefner told Business Insider. Everybodys human and makes mistakes, so own up to yours and move on.“迟到是生活的一部分,所以迟到了,道歉是很有礼貌的事情。”Haefner告诉业内者网的编辑。“我们都是人,都会犯错,所以承认自己的错误,并继续前进。”

  If youre concerned that youve really messed up, make the apology in person, instead of over email.如果你担心你已经把事情搞砸了,那就亲自道歉,而不是通过邮件的形式。

   4. Provide an explanation4. 解释迟到的原因

  If youve got a legitimate explanation, feel free to use it! Just try to sound like youre providing an explanation, not making excuses.如果你有一个合理的理由,那就用吧!你只要觉得你在解释,而不是找借口就可以了。

   5. Make it clear that this isnt going to become a habit5. 明确表示你不会习惯性迟到

  It might be a good idea to say something along the lines of, I know that this company values punctuality, and I will strive to be on time in the future, says Haefner.也许你这么说会是不错的想法:“我了解本公司很重视守时,所以我以后都会尽力保持准时到场。”Haefner表示。

   6. Be honest6. 坦诚对待

  It might be tempting to make up excuses.人总会忍不住找借口的。

  As a rule of thumb, remember to be honest, Haefner told Business Insider. Integrity is what every company wants. When you lie, you break that trust and that will upset an employer even more.“作为首要原则,请谨记,一定要保持真诚。”Haefner告诉业内者网的编辑。“言行一致是每一家公司都需要的品质,你说谎了,你就会打破了别人对你的信任,还会让雇主非常失望。”

  If you feel like your reasoning is too silly (see: cornered by a moose) or inappropriate for work, then forego making excuses.“如果你觉得自己的理由很愚蠢(看看以上被麋鹿挡住去路的)或者不适合用于工作,那么就不要找借口了!”如何“优雅地”迟到?