
发布日期:2019-12-24 14:28 本文摘要:2019年12月英语四级翻译答案试卷三:中国家庭姓氏(沪江网校)卷三 中国家庭姓氏 中国汉族人的全名由姓和名。中文姓名的特点是,姓总是在前,名跟在其后,千百年来,父姓一直世代相传。然而,如今,孩子跟母姓并不罕见。一般来说,名有一个或两个汉字,通常

  2019年12月英语四级翻译答案试卷三:中国家庭姓氏(沪江网校)卷三  中国家庭姓氏








  The full name of a Han Chinese is combined by his or her family name and given name. A feature in Chinese names is that people’s family names often come before their given names. For thousands of years, the father’s family names have been passed down through generations. However, today it is not uncommon to see a child to have his or her mother’s family name. Generally speaking, a given name contains one or two Chinese characters, which shows parents’ good wishes to their child. From a given name, we can infer what kind of person parents expect their child to be, or what kind of life they expect their child to have. Therefore, Chinese parents pay a lot of attention to naming their child because names will accompany the child’s life.