
发布日期:2018-06-16 14:05 本文摘要:He was said to have pledged to get rid of the posh girls when he took over editorship at Vogue magazine last year.据说去年他接管《Vogue》杂志主编一职的时候,他承诺要摆脱漂亮女孩(也就是不再只选美女)。 So it comes as no surprise that Edwar

  He was said to have pledged to get rid of the posh girls when he took over editorship at Vogue magazine last year.据说去年他接管《Vogue》杂志主编一职的时候,他承诺要“摆脱漂亮女孩”(也就是不再只选美女)。

  So it comes as no surprise that Edward Enninfulsinaugural list of Britains 25 most influential and aspirational women is achingly right-on.所以在爱德华·艾宁弗就职以后,他非常准确地选出了25位在英国最有影响力且最令人向往的女性,而这一点并不令人意外。

  The magazines chart – known as Vogue 25 – feature the likes of the Duchess of Sussex, human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson and a pop star few would have heard of 12 months ago.这家杂志的排行榜“Vogue 25”选出了像苏塞克斯公爵夫人、人权律师阿玛尔·克鲁尼、苏格兰保守党领袖露丝·戴维森以及几位流行音乐歌星等25名在过去的12个月中知名度较高的女性。

  In asnub to the nations two most powerful women, the Queen and Prime Minister Theresa May have been left off the list.而这个国家最有权势的两位女性却都被冷落了,挤下英国女王,梅根被评为英国最具影响力的女性!因为女王和首相特丽莎·梅都没有上榜。

  Perhaps one of the more surprising inclusions is 22-year-old pop star Dua Lipa who has been described as a culture definer despite releasing her debut album only last year.也许榜单上最令人惊讶的人物之一就是22岁的流行音乐歌星杜阿·利帕了,虽然她去年刚发表了第一张专辑,但她却被称为“文化定义者”。

  Another of those inspirational figures is Meghan Markle – the former US actress who is now the Duchess of Sussex following her marriage to Prince Harry on May 19.另一位颇有感召力的人物是梅根·马克尔。这位前美国女演员在5月19日与哈里王子结婚,如今她已经是苏塞克斯公爵夫人了。

  Vogue said the duchess is one of the most recognisable women in the world and has an influence that stretches far beyond the ceaseless coverage of her style – as a bi-racial campaigning feminist from America, she is helping to forge a new 21st century identity for the monarchy.《Vogue》表示,梅根是世界上知名度最高的女性之一,她的影响力“远远超出了时尚圈对她的不断报道,作为一名来自美国且参与各种活动的混血女性,她正在帮助这个君主国家缔造21世纪的新身份”。

  Meghan, who asked her wedding guests to donate to a range of charities rather than buy presents, was hailed by the magazine as someone who captured the public imagination like no other this year.梅根请她的婚礼宾客不要为她买礼物而是把礼金捐给一系列慈善机构,而该杂志称赞她为“今年以独一无二的方式吸引公众注意力”的人。

  The 36-year-old has worked as a global ambassador for World Vision and has spoken for UN Women.36岁的梅根曾担任世界宣明会的全球大使,而且她还曾在联合国代表女性发言。

  Human rights lawyer and activist Amal Clooney is the President of the Clooney Foundation for Justice. She is a keenphilanthropist .人权律师兼活动家阿玛尔·克鲁尼是克鲁尼正义基金会的总裁,而且她还是一位热心的慈善家。

  Scottish Tory Ruth Davidson is praised as a beacon, thanks to her relatable personality and progressive ideas.苏格兰保守党领袖露丝·戴维森“因其体贴的个性及先进的理念”被大家称赞为“灯塔”。

  Other unsurprising inclusions are Harry Potter author J K Rowling and fashion designer Stella McCartney.意料之中的其他入选者还有《哈利波特》的作者J·K·罗琳以及时尚设计师斯特拉·麦卡特尼。

  Among less well-known inclusions are Karen Blackett, CEO of media agency MediaCom, who has been described as the most influential black person in Britain.知名度稍低的入选者有媒体中介公司MediaCom(竞立媒体)公司的总裁凯伦·布莱克特,她被称为英国最有影响力的黑人。
