
发布日期:2018-06-16 09:59 本文摘要:Fast food chain KFC has vowed to revamp its menu and remove 20 per cent of calories per serving by 2025.快餐连锁店肯德基承诺要改菜单,到2025年为止把每道菜的卡路里降低20%。 The firm which is famous for Bargain Buckets and Zinger Burgers, ar

  Fast food chain KFC has vowed to revamp its menu and remove 20 per cent of calories per serving by 2025.快餐连锁店肯德基承诺要改菜单,到2025年为止把“每道菜”的卡路里降低20%。

  The firm which is famous for Bargain Buckets and Zinger Burgers, are set to offer customers healthy sides instead of fries for free.肯德基的人气食品莫过于“全家桶”和“鸡腿堡”了,现在肯德基打算进一步为顾客的健康着想,而不是提供免费的薯条。

  They are also considering offering only low or zero calories carbonated drinks and are to trial a vegetarian option later this year.他们考虑今年晚些时候,推出低卡路里或者零卡路里的饮料,并试着推广素食菜单。

  However, it will not change the Colonels secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices.不过,由11种草本和香料制成的上校鸡秘方肯定是不会变的。

  By 2020, the company plan to have more lunch and dinner options available under 600 calories, in line with Public Health Englands recent campaign.为了迎合英国公共卫生部门最新的活动,到2020年肯德基计划推出总卡路里低于600的午餐和晚餐。

  It wants to encourage people to aim for 400 calories for breakfast, 600 for lunch and 600 for dinner, along with a couple of healthier snacks and drinks in-between.该公司旨在鼓励人们把早餐控制在400卡路里,午餐600卡路里,晚餐600卡路里,每两餐之间吃一点健康的零食和饮料。

  “We know people are more passionate than ever about eating well, and we face a big challenge in shifting their perceptions of what we offer, said Victoria Robertson, the firms head of food innovation. ‘’Weve done it before.“人们对于吃好有着无限的热情,这次改变人们印象中的肯德基菜单,我们面临着巨大的挑战。”肯德基饮食创新领导Victoria Robertson如是说,“我们之前也有过尝试。”

  ‘’That said, we know any new menu and recipe changes will have to be just as tasty as today.“即便如此,我们知道菜单和食谱会改变,我们还是要让食物和现在一样好吃。”

  ‘’Its a tricky challenge, because our fans absolutely love our Original Recipe chicken, and we wont be changing the Colonels secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices.“这真是很难把握,因为我们的食客就是喜欢吃我们的原味鸡,肯德基要提供素食菜单?!这是认真的吗?我们也不会改变由11种草本和香料制成的上校鸡秘方。”
