
发布日期:2018-06-11 12:49 本文摘要:这篇我们继续探讨不用否定词表否定的方法(即形式上肯定,意义上否定),例句来源于网络,童鞋们也可以自己造,印象更深刻。 but 类 ① but for+名词和but that+从句,译为要不是,如果没有 But for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey.要不是下雨


   but 类

   ① but for+名词和but that+从句,译为“要不是,如果没有”

  But for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey.要不是下雨,我们会有一次愉快的旅行。(记得要用虚拟语气~)

  But for your help, I should have failed./ But that you help me, I should have failed.要不是你帮助,我就会失败。

   ②Anything but

   Anything 等复合代词或复合副词加but,通常表否定之意。

  I will be anything but quiet on Saturday night!星期六的晚上我根本静不下心来!


   ①far from 远非,非但

  Far from being relaxed, we both felt so uncomfortable we hardly spoke.我们两人非但没有放松,反而都感觉很不自在,几乎没有说话。

   ②so far from 非但不…反而

  So far from admitting his own mistake, he falsely accused his critic.他非但不认错, 还倒打一耙。

   ③so far be it from me 我决不愿…

  Far be it from me to betray a friendship I hold so sacred.我决不愿欺骗我认为神圣的友谊。

   ④instead of

  Instead of complaining about whats wrong, be grateful for whats right.别抱怨不好的事,要对好的事心存感恩。

   ⑤free from 没有…的,不受…影响的

  He is free from prejudice to everybody.他对所有的人都不带有任何成见。




   ②Below /beneath:与…不相称,不值得




  Hes above suspicion (= He is completely trusted).他无可置疑。

  He considers such jobs beneath him.他觉得这种工作有失他的身份。(即”和他的身份不相称”)

  The situation is beyond our control.我们已无法控制这一局面。

  Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol.未满18岁者不得买酒。

  A house within a mile of the station.离车站不到一英里的一所房子。

   the last 最不…的

  He would be the last person who would do such a thing.他最不可能干这种事情。


  We cannot too strongly urge upon you the importance of this matter.对此事,我们无论怎样向你强调其重要性都不会过分。

   (cannot …too/can never…too/can hardly…too通常译为“再…也不为过”) :这一结构的实质是:过分否定,导致肯定。因而此结构中的can’t可改用impossible,not可采用其变体never、hardly等,因此上句也可改写为:We are impossible too strongly urge upon you the importance of this matter.  

  I can never thank you enough for your generosity.对您的慷慨大度我永远感谢不尽。

   (can never do enugh也有“在…也不为过”的意思)

   can’t help doing 表示“禁不住做某事”时,也可看作是“形否意肯”。

  I cant help feeling sorry for the poor man.我不禁为这个可怜的男人感到难过。

   此外,还有can’t help but… 意为“必须,只好”。

  When our country calls us for help, we cant help but go.当祖国需要我们时, 我们必须尽力。

   “ no/none/nothing + but/like”意为“只有”、“只”、“不过”等。“ nothing short of有“简直可以说”的意思。


  The results are nothing short of magnificent.结果非常不错。

  All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。

  There is nothing like jogging as a means of exercise.锻炼身体的最好办法是慢跑。

  None but God will ever know what I suffered.只有上帝知道我受过什么苦。



  Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880.直到1880年,英国才开始实行初等义务教育。

   no sooner than/hardly/scarcely⋯when/before表示“一…就”

  No sooner had I heard the knock than I opened the door.当我听到敲门声,我马上就开门了。

  Hardly had we started when it began to rain.我们刚出发,就开始下雨了。

  We had hardly started before [ when ] it began to rain.我们刚出发,就开始下雨。
