
发布日期:2018-06-08 07:28 本文摘要:80岁老戏骨,被指控性骚扰,这人设真要崩了?!Morgan Freeman issued an apology to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected following an explosive report containing claims of sexual harassment from eight women.摩根弗里曼性骚扰八位女性的

  80岁老戏骨,被指控性骚扰,这人设真要崩了?!Morgan Freeman issued an apology to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected following an explosive report containing claims of sexual harassment from eight women.摩根弗里曼性骚扰八位女性的爆炸性新闻一出,他就向那些因自己行为欠妥,导致那些感到心理不快以及未被尊重的女性,发布了一份道歉声明。

  The veteran actor, 80, told Fox News on Thursday, Anyone who knows me or has worked with me knows I am not someone who would intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy. I apologize to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected -- that was never my intent.现年80岁的资深男演员在周四接受福克斯采访时称,“了解或者和我一起工作过的人都知道,我不是那种有意冒犯或者故意让人不自在的人。我现在谨此向那些因我言论而感觉不快和未被尊重的人道歉,那不是我的本意。”

  Eight women told CNN on Thursday that Freeman made suggestive comments about their appearance and inappropriately touched them.周四有四名女性接受CNN采访时表示,弗里曼关于他们外形有暗示性的言论,还有不正当的触摸行为。

  A young production assistant told the outlet that Freeman harassed her for several months while working on the 2015 set of Going In Style. She claimed that Freeman made comments about her body almost every day and would rub her lower back.有一名年轻的制片助理在接受采访时称,2015年因为《三个老枪手》和弗里曼一起工作的时候。他就骚扰过她几个月。她称:“弗里曼几乎每天都要对她的身材进行评价,并摸她的下背部。”

  Another woman who worked with Freeman on the 2012 film Now You See Me said, He did comment on our bodies … 2012年因为电影《惊天魔盗团》和弗里曼一起工作的女性称,“他确实会对我们(女性)的身材评头论足。

  The articles co-author, Chloe Melas, alleged that Freeman harassed her when she interviewed him for CNN at a press junket for the movie Going in Style.本文作者之一,克洛伊梅拉斯称当她代表CNN在电影《三个老枪手》的媒体招待会上采访弗里曼时,她也受到了骚扰。

  Melas, who was pregnant at the time, said upon meeting Freeman he looked her up-and-down and said a Boy do I wish I was there. The remark was caught on camera but the tape was not rolling when Freeman allegedly also told her, You are ripe.那时,梅拉斯正好怀孕。一见到他,弗里曼上下打量她,还说“真希望在你肚子里的是我。”他还说:“你很成熟。”这个片段被摄影机记录下来,但是没有播出。
