
发布日期:2018-05-31 10:36 本文摘要:320 syndicate[sndkt] vt.发表 n.辛迪加 示例: His column is syndicated throughout America. 他的专栏文章在全美各地的报刊发表。 321 synonym[snnm] n.同义词 示例: Give the synonym and antonym of this wor


320 syndicate [sɪndɪkət]


vt.发表 n.辛迪加


 ✎ 示例:


His column is syndicated throughout America. 他的专栏文章在全美各地的报刊发表。






321 synonym [sɪnənɪm] 




✎ 示例:


Give the synonym and antonym of this word. 给出这个词的同义词和反义词。






322 tact [tækt] 




✎ 示例:


With great tact, Clive persuaded her to apologize. 克莱夫十分巧妙地说服了她去道歉。






323 tactic [tæktɪk] 




✎ 示例:


Shock tactics are being used in an attempt to stop drunk drivers. 正在采取“震惊策略”来制止司机酒后驾车。






324 tenure [tenjə] 


n.①保有期(权) ②终身教职 


✎ 示例:


Its becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure. 要获得终身教职现在越来越难了。






325 tertiary [tɜːʃ(ə)ri] 




✎ 示例:


Since then government poured more money in, the whole tertiary industry has flourished. 自从政府投资增多了,第三产业便兴旺发达起来。






326 thrift [θrɪft] 




✎ 示例:


They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise. 他们因勤俭节约和开创精神而受到了应得的表扬。






327 toil [tɒɪl] 


vi.①辛苦工作 ②艰难跋涉n.苦役


✎ 示例:


Ive been toiling away at this essay all weekend. 我整个周末都在埋头写这篇论文。






328 topple [tɒp(ə)l] 


v.①(使)倒塌 ②推翻,打倒 


✎ 示例:


A stack of plates swayed, and began to topple over. 一大摞盘子摇摇晃晃,然后开始倒下来。






329 tornado [tɔːneɪdəʊ] 




✎ 示例:


The tornado rubbished the whole village. 龙卷风毁掉了整个村庄。






330 tranquil [træŋkwɪl] 




✎ 示例:


The tranquil atmosphere of the inn allows guests to totally at home. 这家客栈的宁静氛围让客人们感到宾至如归。






331 trauma [trɔːmə] 


n.①痛苦,创伤 ②[术]外伤 


✎ 示例:


Id been through the trauma of losing a house. 我已经历过失去房子的痛苦。






332 tread [tred] 




✎ 示例:


Sorry, did I tread on your foot? 对不起,我踩到你的脚了吗?






333 treasury [treʒ(ə)ri] 


n.[C]①(theT)(英、美等国的)财政部 ②(城堡中的)宝库 


✎ 示例:


Treasury officials have said this would be “catastrophic”. 财政部官员表示这将是“灾难性的”。






334 trek [trek] 




✎ 示例:


He is on a trek through the South Gobi Desert. 他正徒步穿越南戈壁沙漠。






335 tribune [trɪbjuːn] 




✎ 示例:


For a time Jack was consul, then proconsul and eventually a tribune.  杰克曾做了一段时间的执政官, 然后是总督,最后是保民官。






336 trickle [trɪk(ə)l] 


vi.①滴,淌 ②缓慢地移动 


✎ 示例:


The tears trickled down her cheeks. 泪水顺着她的面颊流了下来。






337 trophy [trəʊfi] 


n.①(体育比赛的)奖品 ②战利品 


✎ 示例:


A lions head was among the trophies of his African trip. 在他的非洲之行的战利品中有一个狮子头。






338 tropic [trɒpɪk] 


n.①回归线 ②(thes)热带地区 


✎ 示例:


Dry rosin is best in tropic and soft rosin in cold climate. 干的松香在热带最适用,而软的松香适用于寒冷的气候。