2017.5 大学英语四级口语考试真题:PPT的用法

发布日期:2018-05-29 08:02 本文摘要:在2017年5月20日的大学英语四级口语考试当中,考到了PPT的制作方法和技巧,下面小编给广大考生讲一下自己对使用PPT的心得。 在制作PPT时,切不可长篇大论,要简洁,抓住重点。并且在讲解PPT时不可照读,这是大忌。要有自己的理解和观点,便于听众去加深印象




   In my personal view, there is no need stating all the facts and materials in the powerpoint. Besides, you have to add some new ideas during the presentation. Remember that the audience will be tired listening to you read all the stuff in the powerpoint. Since there is no necessity of a presenter, if you read according to the powerpoint. What the audience have to do is just copy your powerpoint and then just go home and study by themselves. Literally, the stuff in the power point should be brief and short. And the presenter should give the audience his or her personal understanding of the text in order that the audiencewill more easily get across the material you are presenting.2017.5 大学英语四级口语考试真题:PPT的用法