
发布日期:2018-07-03 11:28 本文摘要:大学英语六级口语考试第二场的话题为电视节目。这一轮两位考生需要以喜欢哪类电视节目为话题进行交谈。在交谈过程中,考生要积极活跃地表达自己的观点,但是也要注意时间的长短,给对方留时间来表达。以下是小编为大家提供的一组参考对话: A: Do you like w


  A: Do you like watching TV programs in your spare time? What kind of TV programs do you like?

  B: Well, yes, and I prefer news programs. You know, it keeps me informed of what is happening in our country and abroad. It enriches my life. News channel is my favorite. What about you?

  A: As for me, I like entertainment programs best. After a whole day of hard work, isn’t it nice to watch some entertainment programs to relax yourself?

  B: Yeah, of course. So which is your favorite entertainment program?

  A: It has to be “Happy Camp”. The hosts always make me happy. The program makes every Saturday of mine full of laughers.

  B: That’s definitely a lovely program.2017年11月英语六级口试真题:小组讨论“喜欢哪类电视节目”