剑桥雅思4Test2口语话题Part1参考答案 Foodcooking

发布日期:2018-06-20 15:34 本文摘要:摘要:剑桥雅思系列的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案的,不过呢,小站为大家送上参考范文。很喜欢看日食记,很喜欢唯爱与美食不可辜负这句话。请接受剑雅4Test4口语Part2话题:Foodcooking餐饮,共5个问题的拷问。 有剑桥雅思而无剑桥雅思口语范文,犹如有肉





   1.What kinds of food do you like to eat?



   Chinese food/ Western Food/ Italian Food/ Japanese Food / Korean Food

   Fast food/ Fine Dining 快餐/慢餐 Gourmet food 美食 Dessert 甜点Ice cream 冰激凌

   Vegetarian food 素食 meat eater 吃肉的人


   Well... I adore something crispy outside and juicy inside. Actually it makes me think of the Beijing Duck,it’s one of the most famous dishes in China. People eat it with pancake, cucumber and spring onion... yummy! I suppose everyone should love it!

   2.What kind of new food would you like to try? Why?



   Ethnic food 民族风味菜

   Mexican food / Indian food: spicy and hot, lots of curry 麻辣 咖喱多

   Authentic French food: liver paste, snail 鹅肝 蜗牛 Exotic food 山珍海味

   示范答案:New Food? Maybe I’d like to try anything new,especially delicacies! Actually,I used to work inan African restaurant and I was offered fried banana for the first time in my life. It looked eccentric but tasted really nice. Since then I started to fancy everything new.

   3.Do you like cooking?


   示范答案:I love cooking and enjoy watching some cooking programs. But unfortunately I still haven’t got sense to cook a dish which can be served on the table,especially not good at cooking heated meals. I’m rubbish at the timing and I have a reputation for burning/ blowing up whatever I’m cooking. So normally, Mother does the cooking and I just clean up the mess.

   4.What was the last meal you cooked?



   Chinese food sweet and sour pork 锅包肉 kung-pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁

   coco-cola chicken wings 可乐鸡翅 salad, pasta, sandwich, French fries


   Well, the last time I cooked, I made myself a bowl of noodle in soup. It was a pretty simple dish, just made by putting a noodle in the boiling water and when it was ready, added some toppings. Since I live by myself, Id like to keep things simple each time when I cook.

   5.Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? [Why?]


   示范答案:Home cooked food is still better than ready-to-go. Though it is much easier to just dial a number and order,still theeffort and thoughtfulness of theperson who did the cooking should also be taken for consideration. And most of all,you know that the ingredients that had been used for cooking the dish is fresh.







   以上就是小编为大家带来的《剑桥雅思4Test2口语话题Part1参考答案 Foodcooking》的全部内容,左手剑桥雅思系列,右手小站雅思频道,2018屠鸭不在话下。