
发布日期:2018-09-11 20:40 本文摘要:摘要:2018年9月8日的雅思考试已经结束,为大家带来本期雅思小作文真题范文及解析。本期小作文类型:混合图,题目为美国鱼类进口数据变化。 2018年9月8日雅思小作文范文解析:此次考试的图表也是比较的简单的,对于多数同学来说应该在分析和写作的表达上不存





   specific expenditures separate

   given period main supplier

   purchasing doubled

   dominant halved

   reliance ranging


   This table and pie show the specific expenditures and proportions of fish import from different countries in three separate years for America.


   Overall, it is clear that budgets for importing fish increased in this given period and china gradually took the place of Canada as the main supplier for United States.


   In terms of the money for purchasing fish overseas, in 1998, thefigure was 6.8 billion in US. The next five years witnessed a slight rise in this number to 7.65 billion. However, after another 4 years, the expense on this item climbed noticeably, reaching 10.5 billion, almost doubled compared with the original one.


   Seen from the suppliers, Canada was the dominant one in the beginning with a proportion of 45%, but this figure decreased year by year and in the end it halved to 20% in 2007. Oppositely, Chinese fish export for US only made up around 10% in 1998, becoming the largest one in 2007 and providing 40% fish America needs. As for situation of other countries, American reliance on them for fish kept rough stable, ranging from 45% to 50%.

