
发布日期:2018-08-20 17:47 本文摘要:摘要:2018年8月18日的雅思小作文真题及范文来啦。今年雅思小作文中地图题的占比明显提升了,后期的考生们一定要注意地图题和流程图的写作训练。本期小作文话题有关某地土地规划变迁,一起来看范文及作文解析吧。 2018年8月18日的雅思小作文题目:the map sh


   2018年8月18日的雅思小作文题目:the map shows the riverside park in 2010 and now.题目类型为地图题,虽然为地图题,但是对于考生来说,本期小作文整体上难度中等,并没有生词,考生们只要注意写作的时态,题目中的变化关系即可。下面请看小站出品的雅思小作文真题吧。





   The two maps illustrate the refurbishment of the River Park in two different years 2010 and the present. Overall, it isevident that remarkable changes have taken place over the period.


   As observed, the River Park is located on the west side of Heritage Railway. Before the renovation, it used to be relatively deserted and many places were empty. There was a river running from the west to the east in the north, with a toilet by its side. A main road which stretched from north-east to south-west led to the parking lots, adjacent to the woods in the bottom left-hand corner of the park.


   After the development, Heritage Railway and the main road remain unchanged but manyaccommodation and entertainment facilitates have beenconstructed to facilitate the tourists. One striking change is that the river was filled up and paved for a cycle path. Between the cycle path and the main road, a cafe is erected and on its opposite side, a large hotel equipped with parking is built. Also worth noticing is that in the western area, a station is constructed with swings around it for children to play.


   In summary, the park is becoming more interesting and theconstruction is mainly made to facilitate the tourists stay, visit and amusement.


   范文原创自小站老师Alice. Hua 字数 213 words


   illustrate the refurbishment accommodation and entertainment facilitates

   it is evident that One striking change is

   before the renovation equipped with

   stretched from Also worth noticing is

   be adjacent to facilitate the tourists stay

   以上就是小站雅思分享的有关2018年8月18日雅思小作文真题范文的全部内容,更多雅思考试相关资讯,请继续关注小站雅思频道。 2018年8月18日雅思小作文真题范文:地图题