
发布日期:2020-07-07 19:48 本文摘要:历年雅思真题试卷常见的高频词汇备考雅思过程中需要大量的积累词汇和掌握语法,这直接影响到雅思各题型的考试分数。下面,沪江小编给大家整理了一些历年雅思考试常见的高频词汇,希望可以给大家学习过程中带来帮助。 precious [同]costly adj. of great valu



  precious [同]costly


  adj. of great value(and beauty)贵重的;宝贵的


  For Australia, water is a precious resource and its wise management is of the greatest importance. 在澳大利亚,水是非常宝贵的资源,合理运用水资源是最重要的。


  predict [同]foretell


  v. to say that something will happen, before it happens预计;预测


  Some scientists predict that the Earths temperature will rise by as much as 5℃ over the next 20y ears有些科学家预测在未来20年全球气温会上升多达5℃。




  n. a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statement预测;预言


  Its a bit early to make predictions. 现在就做预测还有点为时过早。


  predominant [近]chief


  adj. more powerful, more common, or more easily noticed than others主要的;占优势的;最显著的


  Housing is the predominant social issue of the day. 住房是如今的主要社会话题。




  n. a group of words taken from a book, play, speech, etc. and used again, usu. by sb. other than the original author语录;引文;引用语


  a dictionary of quotations语录汇编

