
发布日期:2018-06-15 15:20 本文摘要:张学友成逃犯克星,中国技术再次震惊了外媒Chinese police are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence as they take the motto you can run, but you cant hide to a whole new level.中国警方正越来越依靠人工智能,他们将口号你可以逃跑,却无

  张学友成逃犯克星”,中国技术再次震惊了外媒Chinese police are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence as they take the motto you can run, but you cant hide to a whole new level.中国警方正越来越依靠人工智能,他们将口号“你可以逃跑,却无处躲藏”发展到了一个全新的水平。

  In less than two months, police in three cities across the country caught three different suspected criminals at concerts of popular Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung.在不到两个月的时间里,全国三个城市的警察在香港流行歌手张学友的演唱会上抓获了三名犯罪嫌疑人。

  Facial recognition technology identified the men as they passed through security checkpoints, according to state media.据官方媒体报道,但嫌疑人是通过安检点,被脸部识别技术识别出的。

  Although the three suspects were all wanted for relatively minor crimes, the string of concert arrests has generated headlines throughout China, prompting the star to address the issue.虽然,这三名嫌疑人都是因为较小的罪名被通缉,但一连串的逮捕行动已经成为中国各地的头条新闻,这也促使了明星就这个问题发表了一些看法。

  I thank them for attending my concerts, Cheung told reporters. But it did give everyone food for thought: If you steal, youll get caught no matter where you go.“我感谢他们参加我的演唱会,”张告诉记者。“但它确实给了每个人思考的机会:如果你偷窃,无论你到哪里都会被抓住。”

  Police in Luoyang, a central Chinese city where Cheung plans to hold a concert in July, have tweeted: Jacky, we are ready!在中国中部城市洛阳,张计划于7月举办一场演唱会,警方在推特上写道:“学友,我们准备好了!”

  State media has highlighted a growing number of areas -- including in some unlikely places -- where sophisticated facial recognition is being deployed.官方媒体强调了越来越多的地区——包括一些不太可能的地方——正在部署复杂的面部识别技术。

  Traffic police in Shenzhen in late April installed dozens of high-tech devices in the southern Chinese metropolis, targeting jaywalkers and scooter-riding couriers who are known to flout traffic rules.4月下旬,深圳交警在中国南方的大都市安装了几十个高科技设备,目标是这些无视交通规则的行人和骑摩托车的快递员。

  Wearing helmets or hats? You will still be recognized for sure! the police warned in a social media post.“无论你是否戴头盔或帽子?警察在社交媒体上警告说:“你肯定会被认出来!”

  Our facial recognition devices are not affected by weather or skin tones -- and our algorithms can detect people even when they turn sideways, lower their heads, partially cover their faces, or in high-brightness, backlit or crowded conditions.“我们的面部识别设备不受天气或肤色的影响——甚至在人侧身、低头、部分遮住脸的时候,或者在高亮度、背光或拥挤的环境中,设备依旧可以识别。”

  Just a week after the systems soft launch, Shenzhen traffic police said they had caught violators in almost 900 cases and planned to expand its use.就在该系统推出一周后,深圳交警表示,他们逮捕了近900个案件中的违反者,并计划扩大使用范围。

  High-tech surveillance isnt limited to law enforcement in China, either.高科技监控也不仅限于中国的执法部门。

  Last year, the Temple of Heaven park in Beijing found itself in the spotlight when it installed facial recognition in public bathroom to stop people from stealing toilet paper.早在去年,北京天坛公园在公共卫生间里安装了面部识别系统,以防止人们偷厕纸,这成为了公众关注的焦点。

  A high school in Hangzhou in eastern China last week unveiled a system that would allow the recording and real-time analysis of students facial expressions in classrooms, according to state media.据官方媒体报道,中国东部城市杭州的一所高中上周发布了一套系统,记录并实时分析学生在课堂上的面部表情。

  If the system categorizes a student as non-attentive, an alert will be sent to the teacher.如果系统将学生分类为“不专心”,则会向老师发送警报。
