
发布日期:2019-11-08 18:49 本文摘要:Beauty. It s a word that can build people up to the highest levels of confidence and drag them down just as quickly. Standards of beauty have been noted for years, but the concept of it is so subjective that I find it hard to believe that

  Beauty. It s a word that can build people up to the highest levels of confidence and drag them down just as quickly. Standards of beauty have been noted for years, but the concept of it is so subjective that I find it hard to believe that so many industries market themselves on those so called standards. As you travel the world, these standards actually change.美丽,这是一个能让人们建立强烈自信心,也能以同样快的速度拉低人们自信心的词。多年来美的标准持续受到关注,但它是一个十分主观的概念,以至于我很难相信有那么多行业以所谓的标准推销自己。当你环游世界后,这些标准实际上会发生改变。


  What might be considered the epitome of beauty in one country may be considered average or even ugly in another. And these standards also change over time. Decades ago, the classic definition of beautiful was more curvaceous. This trended into a waifish look. We have transitioned from that to what is considered healthy which places an emphasis on slim but muscular physique. We all have our own opinions and we re going to travel the globe and see just how diverse beauty really is.在一个国家被认为是美的象征,而在另一个国家可能被认为是平庸甚至丑陋。另外,这些标准也会随着时间而改变。几十年前,“美丽”的经典定义更偏向曲线美,而后流行起了纤纤细腰。现在,我们已经从那个阶段过渡到以“健康”为美,强调苗条但有肌肉线条的体型。我们对美都有自己的看法。下面我们将环游世界,看看美到底有多么丰富多彩。




  Italian women have long been considered beautiful. But the standards are more or less based on taking care of themselves and maintaining a natural beauty. It’s about what makes them feel good. They take care of themselves and maintain their skin and hair. Although they enjoy the sun, they do it responsibly and use good sunscreen. Proper diet also helps maintain gorgeous skin and hair.意大利女性一直被认为是美丽的。但这些标准或多或少是基于对自己的呵护和保持自然美。她们对美的标准是让自己感觉很好。她们照顾自己,保养皮肤和头发。虽然她们喜欢晒太阳,但她们会很用心地晒太阳,并使用优质的防晒霜。合理的饮食也有助于维护美丽的皮肤和头发。


  Italians embrace life and enjoy all aspects of it. They believe in embracing what comes. They are fit and comfortable with themselves. Italy shows that beauty is more than skin deep and truly embraces the diversity that is out there.意大利人热爱生活,享受生活的方方面面。他们欣然接受生活带来的一切,保持身体健康,身心舒畅。意大利向我们展示了美不仅仅停留在外表,还包含了生而存在的多样性。




  France is known for being fashion forward, but when it comes to the standard of beauty, it’s all about natural beauty. French women tend toward the clean, natural appearance instead of makeup. They actually prefer the bare, unmade up face that shows what they actually look like. They celebrate the true beauty and embrace what they were born with.法国以时尚前卫而闻名,但说到美的标准,自然的美才是最重要的。比起化妆,法国女人更喜欢干净自然的外表。事实上,她们更喜欢光洁的、没有化妆的脸,因为这能展现出她们真实的样子。她们欣赏真实的美,拥抱与生俱来的美。


  French women enjoy the quirky and distinct features without the use of contouring and makeup. They go for a more understated look compared to Americans. French women are known to be glamorous and graceful at any age. They maintain a flawless complexion throughout their lives.法国女性喜欢与众不同且独特的特征,不需要使用修容和化妆。和美国人相比,她们更喜欢低调的外表。法国女人在任何年龄都以迷人和优雅著称,一生都保持着完美的气色。




  Korean women are admired the world over for their incredible skin. If you think of the standard for gorgeous complexions, Korea ranks at the top. These women work very hard to maintain flawless, pale, porcelain skin. Their creamy, alabaster faces are used to sell skin care all around the globe.韩国女性因其令人赞叹的皮肤而受到全世界的羡慕。如果你考虑完美肤色的标准,韩国一定排名第一。韩国女性非常努力地工作,来保持无暇、白皙、有光泽的皮肤。她们如奶油般白皙的脸在全球都被用以销售护肤品。


  This standard of beauty originates from a time when a pale complexion was a sign of wealth and social standing. Tan skin was a sign of someone who had to work outside and couldn t afford the luxury of skin care. They also place a high importance on more rounded eyes and will even go through surgery to achieve what is considered ideal.这种美的标准源于一个时代,那时苍白的肤色是财富和社会地位的象征。而古铜色的皮肤是一个人不得不在外工作、无法负担昂贵的皮肤护理的标志。她们还将又大又圆的眼睛作为一个很重要的标准,甚至会通过手术来达到理想的效果。




  The British have a flair for the understated elegance. This shows in practically every aspect of their culture, including beauty. British women tend to prefer a more aristocratic look of slenderness, pale skin and maybe freckles. They tend to prefer comfortable and simple clothes that are more understated as well as a minimal look with makeup.英国人有一种低调优雅的气质。这几乎体现在他们文化的方方面面,包括美。英国女性更喜欢苗条、白皙、或带雀斑的贵族样貌。她们喜欢更低调的舒适简单的衣服,妆容风格也很简单。


  British women also don t worry as much about getting older. The wrinkles and signs of age that other women struggle to hide don t bother them. They view these changes as signs of maturity and wisdom. Britain certainly has a healthier way to view standards of beauty at any age.英国女性也不太担心变老。其他女性竭力掩饰皱纹和年龄迹象的做法并不会影响她们。相反地,她们认为这些变化是成熟和智慧的标志。在任何年龄段,英国人都以更健康的方式看待美的标准。




  Brazil is a land of exquisite beauty and it s women live up to it. Unlike a lot of countries that place an emphasis on slenderness, the Brazilians have a different idea in mind. They embraced the look of a more curvaceous body for years. Women were admired for having muscular legs, wider hips and a large buttocks.巴西是一个拥有精致美丽的国度,其女性同样如此。与许多强调苗条身材的国家不同,巴西人有不同的想法。多年来,他们一直对自己曲线优美的身材青睐有加。女性因拥有有肌肉线条的双腿、宽且翘的臀部而受到欣赏。


  Unfortunately, like so many other countries, the Western standards of beauty have started seeping into the country and causing a shift toward thinner bodies with larger breasts. Hopefully, this unbelievably diverse and gorgeous country will start to enjoy it’s own unique styles and looks.不幸的是,就像许多其他国家一样,西方的审美标准已经开始渗透进这个国家,导致其向更瘦的身材、中外审美标准大不同!老外眼中的美女原来这么不一样...更大的胸部的审美转变。不过,这个极其多元化且繁荣的国家将开始享受自己独特的风格和外貌。




  Clothing is a huge part of the Indian beauty culture. Women use henna, saris, and bindis to show femininity. These colourful adornments are a huge part of celebrations such as weddings. For many years, a thin body was not considered to be beautiful or healthy. Standards were placed on a healthier body. But Western ideals have started to show in India, bringing a slimming down.服装是印度美丽文化的重要组成部分。女性用指甲花、纱丽和眉心红点来展现女性气质。这些五颜六色的装饰品是婚礼等庆祝活动的重要组成部分。多年来,苗条的身材并不被认为是美丽或健康的,印度对美的标准建立在更健康的身体上。但西方对美的理想型已经在印度显现出来,很多印度人开始变瘦。


  Indian women are known for their unbelievably gorgeous hair. Indian women spend a great deal of money on hair products and treatments to maintain the thick, glossy manes they are known for all over the world.印度女性以其令人惊叹的华丽发型而闻名,她们在护发产品和头发护理上花了很多钱,以保持她们闻名于世的浓密而有光泽的头发。




  Due to the endless sun that Australians are blessed with, many of the women have a sun kissed look. They do practice a great deal of skin care due to the extreme levels of solar radiation that the country deals with. The heat that Australia is known for tends to bring about a healthy, outdoors look that shows a fit and healthy body. This is hardly surprising from a country that is known for outstanding beaches, diving and other water sports.由于澳大利亚人拥有无尽的阳光,许多女性都有阳光亲吻过的样子。因为所处位置的极端太阳辐射,她们会进行大量的皮肤护理。众所周知,澳大利亚的炎热天气往往会给人带来健康的户外形象,展现出健康的身材。对于一个以海滩、潜水和其他水上运动闻名的国家来说,这并不令人惊讶。




  For a culture that still embraces having women staying covered up, Iran is the country that leads the world in rhinoplasty. It s considered a sign of affluence and is almost expected. Women wear the bandages that cover their sculpted noses long after they are no longer necessary and wear them proudly. There are even stories of people buying the bandages and wearing them even though they didn t get the surgery.对于一个仍要求女性不能抛头露面的国度,伊朗是世界上鼻部整形技术领先的国家。这被认为是富裕的标志,几乎人们都期望做鼻部整形。女性在不再需要的时候还会用绷带遮住自己的鼻子,并自豪地戴着它们。甚至有这样的故事,即使没有接受手术的人,还会专门买绷带并戴上。


  With women spending so much time veiled, they embrace the use of surgery on one of the few body parts that they can show. But despite the strict laws in Iran, many women wear bright colours and have dyed hair underneath their veils as they try to balance between fashion and cultural beliefs.由于女性戴面纱的时间极长,她们欣然接受对她们能展示的为数不多的身体部位之一进行手术。然而,尽管伊朗法律严格,许多女性试图在时尚和文化信仰中找到平衡,会选择穿着鲜艳的颜色,把染过的头发藏在面纱下面。




  Ethiopian women have a long standing practice that is linked to beauty and marriage. Girls in the Karo tribe receive scars that are cut into their stomachs by the elders of the tribe. These are considered marks of beauty and desirability. Once the scars are placed, the girl is allowed to marry. The girls accept this practice and feel it will attract a good husband for them so they can get married and start a family.埃塞俄比亚妇女长期以来的一个做法与美丽和婚姻有关。卡罗部落的女孩会在肚子上留下部落长老割下的伤疤。这被认为是美丽和性感的标志。一旦伤疤愈合,女孩就可以结婚了。女孩们都会接受这种做法,觉得这会吸引一个好丈夫,而后他们就可以结婚并组建家庭。


  Many cultures have scarring as part of their history and place a great deal of emphasis on it. What may be considered extreme by some will be considered the epitome of beauty by others.许多文化都将伤疤作为其历史的一部分,并对此给予了极大的重视。有些人认为是极端的,而另一些人则认为是美的象征。




  Due to changes in climate and political upheaval, a common trait that marked the women of Tibet in China is starting to become much more rare. Tibetan women have long borne the pink cheeks of living high in the mountains and being exposed to the weather conditions there.由于气候变化和政治因素,中国的西藏女性的一个共同特征开始变得越来越罕见。长期以来,藏族妇女由于住在高山上,暴露在恶劣的天气条件下,会呈现出粉红色的脸颊。


  But, due to the prominence of Chinese influence in the media, Tibetan women are being held to the standards that have swept over china. These incredible women who simply showed the naturally occurring colour from the lives they live are now being expected to maintain the pale flawless skin that has become the ideal for Asian women.但是,中国媒体的影响力导致西藏妇女正被要求达到中国普适的标准。这些女性,只是展现出她们生活中自然产生的颜色,现在却被期望呈现出白皙无暇的皮肤,而这已成为亚洲女性的理想肤色。


  As you can see, beauty is truly subjective and diverse. Each country has their own take on what is considered ideal. But, if you can approach each place with an open mind, you can enjoy the ideals of each and every place you visit. Enjoy the beauty in the environment and the people that live in it.如你所见,美是十分主观和多样的。每个国家都有自己认为的理想型。但是,如果你能以开放的心态对待每一个地方,你就能享受到每一个地方的美丽。去享受不同地方的美丽以及生活在其中的人吧!