
发布日期:2018-06-14 21:54 本文摘要:第一章链接第二章上链接第二章下链接第三章链接第四章链接 新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版第五章上 Unit 5 5.1 P46 1. be invoiced for the goods开发票 Invoice n/v +sb 2. bet money on sth Invest money in sth 3. earn respect spend time/holidays doing s

新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版第五章上     Unit 5 5.1
1. be invoiced for the goods开发票
Invoice n/v +sb 2. bet money on sth Invest money in sth
3. earn respect
spend time/holidays doing sth
bet your life=to be sure
repay a favour/kindness
take out a subscription(to a magazine) 取得
[take out something such as a loan, a licence, or an insurance policy, you obtain it by fulfilling the conditions and paying the money that is necessary. 取得 (贷款、许可、保险等)]
borrow a pen
withdraw an offer/a product from the shelves
be short of resources/time   4. earn money from work
win money in a game(lottery)
make money from any kind of business deal or investment 5. lend and borrow are like give and take 6. wasting money is spending it in an unprofitable or necessary way
7. you can say how much does it cost? When sth is for sale; when you say how much is it worth? You are asking for its value   listen 5.1
8. legacy 遗产
9. take out loans to pay their way through collage
10. re-mortgage
A remortgage (also known as refinancing) is the process of paying off one mortgage with the proceeds from a new mortgage using the same property as security.
100%mortgage=without down payment 11. extend credit to ordinary people 为普通人提供贷款
12. fund consumer spending
13. in times of uncertainty
14. accumulating debt
15. personal assets stand at ...dollars=is
16. sit on a time bomb=delay
17. assets..will rise and when they crash
18. people will be plunged into negative equity 陷入负资产
19. crisis be averted 危机被转移规避   P47
20. negative equity(debts greater than your assets)
21. gas guzzling cars 耗油车
Guzzle v 暴食耗油energy~
22. customers have the most leverage=influence P49
23. in need of complete refurbishment翻修
24. 意愿表达
Personally i’d go for option A
I thinking A has much more going for it
My preference would be
We would be better off choosing/buying
Option A offers better
The only disadvantage I can see is
I’ve several reservations about 保留意见
I think B has several drawbacks
All in all A represents the best solution
The alternatives are probably worse   25. 比较
差不多Very similar/more or less the same as/exactly the same as
有差别Completely different/totally different/by far the biggest/not nearly as expensive as/much(far) more comfortable than/over twice as much as   P50
26. variable costs and fixed costs
income and expenditure
assets and liabilities
gross and net
current and lont-term(eg debt)
profit and loss
dividends and retained profit
creditor and debtor
accounts payable and receivable
profitable and unprofitable   27. ur first port of call=stop/leg站,常去的你应该去的第一站
28. balance sheet
income statement
Cashflow statement
29. snapshot
30. turnover=total revenue
profit made after tax=net income
value of the company=total equity=total assets-total liabilities
cash still available after other investments=net change in cash
31. starting line 开办费
32. net change in cash 现金流   5.2
33. costs 成本
Material costs
Administrative costs
Distributive costs分销运输
Labour costs
Development costs
Advertising expenditure
Finance costs 融资成本    以上内容手打总结,如有遗漏请见谅,【剑桥商务英语高级】常用词汇短语总结(第五章-上)希望有帮助哈,有添加的内容请留言哦~

   以上为本期的主要内容。对于相关内容有疑问或意见的请留言哦~ 声明:本文系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。本文仅代表作者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。