
发布日期:2019-11-01 22:06 本文摘要:crisp[krisp] adj. 脆的;新鲜的 图片来源:视觉中国 Zipup your hoodie and throw a scarf around your neck, its almost time to head out into thecrispautumn air for a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks.拉上你的连帽衫,把围巾绕在脖子上,就是时候

  crisp [krisp] 


  adj. 脆的;新鲜的





  Zip up your hoodie and throw a scarf around your neck, its almost time to head out into the crisp autumn air for a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. 拉上你的连帽衫,把围巾绕在脖子上,就是时候迈向凉爽的秋季,在星巴克买一杯南瓜拿铁了。


  Only its not fall yet, and it might be a tad too hot for all those layers. 就是现在还没到秋天,穿那么多层可能有点热。


  Despite the fact that its still summer, Starbucks will be bringing back the PSL earlier than ever this year — August 27.虽然现在还是夏天,星巴克今年返场南瓜拿铁的时间比以往任何时候都要早--8月27日。


  Last year, the PSL returned to Starbucks on August 28. 去年,南瓜拿铁重返星巴克的时间是8月28日。


  While the iconic fall drink debuted on August 26 in 2014, it wasnt officially on the menu until September 2. 虽然这款标志性秋季饮品在2014年8月26日首次推出,但直到9月2号才正式出现在菜单上。


  In fact, it has never officially been on the Starbucks menu quite this early before.事实上,这款饮料之前从没有这么早就正式出现在星巴克的菜单上。


  Some Starbucks employees broke the news — which some fans wait all year for — on social media, according to Business Insider. CBS News has reached out to Starbucks to confirm the launch date. 据Business Insider网(商业内幕)报道,一些星巴克职员在社交媒体上爆出了这个新闻。有的粉丝为此等了一整年。


  It appears Starbucks PSL revelation may have come at a strategic time. On Monday, Dunkin announced its fall menu items would be available on August 21. 似乎星巴克透露南瓜拿铁消息的时间很富有战略性。周一,唐恩都乐宣布秋季菜单的菜品8月21日上市。


  Theyre also adding a new Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Signature Latte to the pumpkin roster, and re-branding eight Dunkin stores as Pumpkin stores to celebrate. 他们也在南瓜花名册上添加了新品:特调肉桂糖南瓜拿铁,并且将八家唐恩都乐店改名叫“南瓜”店,以此来庆祝。


  Those locations will give away free pumpkin products even earlier on August 14.这些门店甚至早在8月14日就开始发放免费的南瓜产品。


  Last year, Dunkin dropped its own pumpkin spice latte on August 27 — one day before Starbucks. 去年,唐恩都乐在8月17日推出了自己的南瓜拿铁--比星巴克早一天。


  The two coffee chains may be trying to one-up each other on the pumpkin branding. Earlier this month, Starbucks announced exciting news for pumpkin lovers: Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Creamer will be available in grocery stores.这两家咖啡连锁店可能正努力在打造南瓜品牌上占上风。本月早些时候,星巴克为南瓜爱好者们宣布了令人兴奋的消息:星巴克的南瓜咖啡伴侣将在杂货店有售。


  So this year the pumpkin spice craze will be well underway long before its time to break out that fall jacket. 因此早在今年穿上秋季夹克之前,南瓜狂热就席卷而来。、




  crisp [krisp]


  adj. 脆的;新鲜的


  文中crisp autumn air,有种“秋高气爽”的意思。




  on a crisp October morning 在十月一个凉爽的清晨




  He crunched through the crisp snow.他嘎吱嘎吱地踏过松软的积雪。一词:星巴克的年度限量南瓜拿铁又回来了