
发布日期:2019-05-23 08:17 本文摘要:A US soldier in Hawaii was critically injured after he fell 70ft (21 metres) into one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, parks officials say.美国一名士兵在夏威夷跌落深70英尺(约21米)的世界上最活跃的火山之一,受伤严重,美国一退伍士兵坠入

  A US soldier in Hawaii was critically injured after he fell 70ft (21 metres) into one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, parks officials say.美国一名士兵在夏威夷跌落深70英尺(约21米)的世界上最活跃的火山之一,受伤严重,美国一退伍士兵坠入火山后生还公园官员称。


  Rangers rescued the 32-year-old man, who they say climbed over a metal guard rail overlooking the Kilauea caldera in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.园林管理员救下了一名32岁的男性,该男子翻越金属隔离带,在位于夏威夷火山国家公园的基拉韦厄火山口观望。


  Witnesses say the ground crumbled away beneath the victims feet, causing him to plunge down the 300ft cliff.目击者称,受害者脚下的地面松动,导致他跌落300英尺深的悬崖。


  He landed on a ledge, stopping him for falling into the crater.他落在岩石上,阻止他掉进火山口。


  Witnesses say the man was part of a group who had stopped at the Steaming Bluff overlook around 18:30 local time on Wednesday.目击者称这位男子并非一人,在当地时间的周三下午6点半,他想要靠近蒸汽悬崖(Steaming Bluff)的边缘俯瞰火山口。


  At approximately 21:00 [local time], the man was found alive but seriously injured on a narrow ledge about 70 feet down from the cliff edge, parks officials said in a statement.“大约9点多,该男子在悬崖边向下约70英尺的狭窄岩壁上被发现。”受伤严重,当地公园管理人员称


  Rescue personnel successfully completed a high angle extrication using ropes, with support from a Department of Defense helicopter, the man was airlifted to Hilo Medical Center for urgent care.“救援人员在国防部直升机的帮助下顺利完成将绳索把该男子腾空吊出并送到希罗医疗中心进行紧急救治。


  On Thursday, the unidentified mans condition was upgraded from critical to stable.周四,该不知名男子的情况已经趋于稳定。


  Army officials told KGMB-TV that the man is a soldier from the Schofield Barracks who had been on Big Island as part of a training mission.在KGMB-TV采访时陆军官员称,这名士兵驻扎在瓦胡岛的斯科菲尔德兵营,并在大岛上进行训练。


  Chief Ranger John Broward warned that visitors should never cross safety barriers, especially around dangerous and destabilised cliff edges.园林主管John Broward告诫游客,千万不可以跨越安全护栏。“尤其是在危险和不稳定的悬崖边上。”


  The Kilauea volcano erupted last year, destroying an estimated 700 homes across nearly 14 square miles (22 sq/km).基拉韦厄火山去年喷发,损坏了近14平方英里(22平方公里)的700多座房屋。


  The United States Geological Survey says that Kilauea ranks among the worlds most active volcanoes and may even top the list, which has been in a near constant state of eruption since 1983.美国地质调查局称,基拉韦厄获胜是世界上最活跃的火山之一,甚至可以说是数一数二,从1983年开始在几乎恒定的喷发状态下。


  The last fatality in the park was in October 2017.上一次出现致命事件是在2017年的10月份。



