Taylor Swift和碧昂斯的粉丝吵起来了

发布日期:2019-05-13 08:15 本文摘要:Did Taylor Swifts Billboard Music Awards performance on last Wednesday night rip off Beyoncs 2018s Coachella show?上周三霉霉在Billboard Music Awards上面的表演剽窃了碧昂斯2018 Coachella音乐节演唱会? The question is tearing through both art

  Did Taylor Swifts Billboard Music Awards performance on last Wednesday night rip off Beyoncés 2018s Coachella show?上周三霉霉在Billboard Music Awards上面的表演剽窃了碧昂斯2018 Coachella音乐节演唱会?


  The question is tearing through both artists respective fandoms on *t*witter. The Beyhive is claiming that Swifts opening number at Wednesdays awards, which featured a drum corps flanking Swift as she walked on stage, stole the idea from Beys Coachella performances, which served as the basis for her recent Netflix Homecoming documentary.两位艺人的粉丝在推特上互相开撕。碧昂斯的粉丝们称在周三的颁奖典礼上,Taylor Swift和碧昂斯的粉丝吵起来了在两侧鼓乐队的伴奏下走霉霉走上舞台的创意是窃取了碧昂斯最近在网飞上“Homecoming”的表演。


  Swifties, on the other hand, are coming to their idols defense, pointing out that Swift has used marching bands during her live performances in the past.而霉霉的粉丝出来力挺偶像,称以前霉霉的演唱会上就用过行军鼓号队。





  What Beyoncé fans are saying:“One of these things is not like the other, one fan wrote, quoting Swifts new song ME!, which she performed at the BBMAs Wednesday night. The tweet included an image of Swifts opening pose juxtaposed with a scene from one of Beyonces Coachella performances.碧昂斯的粉丝称:“有一件事情与其他截然不用,”一位粉丝写道,里面引用的这句话是霉霉的新歌《ME》中间的一句歌词,周三的颁奖礼上她演唱这首歌。推上还发了一张霉霉颁奖礼和碧昂斯Coachella演唱会造型的对比照。


  *t*witters wild because there are ppl on here saying Beyoncé didnt invent marching bands and we all saw when she did.“推特是个坏地方,因为这里有人说并不是碧昂斯发明了这种行军鼓号队,但我们都心知肚明她确实发明了。”


  What Swift fans are saying:Swifties did not take kindly to the online treatment of the pop singer, taking to *t*witter to fight back.霉霉粉丝称:作为霉霉的粉丝对于偶像的网络遭遇也不是吃素的,在推上进行反击。


  Taylor DID NOT copy her performance, the level of delusion of the BeyHive is ridiculously high at this point, read one defense.“霉霉才没有模仿她呢,碧昂斯粉丝的癔症简直到了可笑的地步。”其中的一条反击这样写道。


  strike the band up is literally a lyric in the song, another disgruntled Swift fan wrote. the same band on stage is the same band in the music video. and just for the future, Beyoncé is not the only artist allowed to have a band onstage.“strike the band up”实际上是歌里的一句歌词,”另一个不满的斯威夫特粉丝写道。“舞台上的同一乐队在音乐录影带中是同一乐团。而且,为了以后的风气,(必须指出)碧昂斯不是唯一一个能在舞台上使用乐队的艺人。”


  Many other fans pulled up photos of Swifts previous performances wearing marching band garb as proof that shed been doing the schtick long before her BBMAs performance.许多粉丝晒出了霉霉在颁奖礼表演之前就用过行军乐队的照片作为证据。



