
发布日期:2018-06-05 07:29 本文摘要:7 Books Ivy League Professors Think Every Student Should Read In 20172017年常青藤教授认为每个学生都该读的书目 If getting reading suggestions from celebrities is just a little too middlebrow for your tastes, these seven book recommendations

  7 Books Ivy League Professors Think Every Student Should Read In 20172017年常青藤教授认为每个学生都该读的书目

  If getting reading suggestions from celebrities is just a little too middlebrow for your tastes, these seven book recommendations from Ivy League professors are just what youve been looking for. Business Insider asked professors from 10 best American colleges to recommend the single book they think every student should read in 2017, and their suggestions run the gamut from classic literature to philosophies of warfare.如果你觉得名人的阅读推荐太过于平庸、不合你口味,以下七本书是常青藤教授推荐的,就是你一直在找寻的。《商业内幕》询问了美国十大最佳高校的教授,求推荐”2017年每个学生都该读的一本书“,这些推荐书目从经典文学到战争哲学,应有尽有。


  Recommenders include former New York Times editor Jill Abramson and noted reading-guide author Harold Bloom.推荐人包括前《纽约时报》编辑吉尔•阿布瑞森和著名的阅读导览作者哈罗德•布鲁姆。
Check out the seven book recommendations from Ivy League professors below, and share your favorite professor-approved titles !查看一下这七本常青藤联盟学校教授们推荐的书目,分享你最爱的几本经教授认定的图书。

  1The Paranoid Style in American Politics by Richard Hofstadter, recommended by Jill Abramson, Harvard理查德•霍夫斯塔特的《美国政治的偏执风格》,哈佛大学吉尔•阿布瑞森推荐

  Harvard English lecturer Jill Abramson recommends this collection of essays from Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Richard Hofstadter.哈佛英语讲师吉尔•阿布瑞森推荐普利策奖获得者、历史学家理查德•霍夫斯塔特的散文集。
2Orfeo by Richard Powers, recommended by James Berger, Yale耶鲁大学詹姆士•铂爵推荐理查德•宝沃尔的《Orfeo》

  Yale English and American Studies lecturer James Berger recommends Orfeo, which centers on a modern-day composer who turns to biological science to craft his magnum opus.耶英美研究学的讲师詹姆士•铂爵推荐理查德•宝沃尔的《Orfeo》,讲述了一个现代作曲家投身生物科学尔后创作其杰作的故事。


  3The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis, recommended by Eric Maskin, Harvard, and Maurice Schweitzer, University of Pennsylvania迈克尔•刘易斯的《未完成的计划》,哈佛埃里克•马斯金推荐和宾州大学利斯•施韦泽推荐

  In The Undoing Project, The Big Short author Michael Lewis explores the relationship between two psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who wrote extensively on human thought and decision-making processes. According to Harvards Eric Maskin and the University of Pennsylvanias Maurice Schweitzer, The Undoing Project is the one book that college students should read this year.《未完成的计划》、《大空头》作者迈克尔•刘易斯剖析了两大心理学家丹尼尔•卡纳曼和阿莫斯•特沃斯基的关系。两位学者广泛研究了人类思想和做决定的过程。据哈佛埃里克•马斯金称,《未完成的计划》是大学生今年都该读的书。


  4The Strategy of Conflict by Thomas C. Schelling, recommended by David B. Carter, Princeton托马斯•谢林的《冲突的战略》,普林斯顿大学戴维•B•卡特推荐


  This book on game theory by Nobel laureate in economics Thomas C. Schelling is the top recommendation from Princeton prof David B. Carter.这本书有关博弈论,是诺贝尔经济学奖得主托马斯•谢林所著,普林斯顿大学的戴维•B•卡特鼎力推荐。
5A Theory of the Drone by Grégoire Chamayou, recommended by W.J.T. Mitchell, University of Chicago格里高利•卡玛尤的《无人机理论》,W•J•T•米歇尔推荐

  Grégoire Chamayous A Theory of the Drone examines how remote-controlled weapons are currently changing the way we think about, and conduct, warfare. W.J.T. Mitchell, a professor of English and art history at the University of Chicago, calls the book, [a] very intelligent assessment of the new conditions of drone warfare in their implications for just war theory.格里高利•卡玛尤的《无人机理论》审视了当今遥控武器是怎么改变我们的思维方式、行为和战争的。 W•J•T•米歇尔是芝加哥大学英语和艺术史教授,称“就正义战争理论和战争勇气概念而言,这本书机智地评析了无人机战争的新条件。
6Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life by Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields, recommended by Kenneth Warren, University of Chicago卡伦•E•菲尔德和芭芭拉•J•菲尔德的《种族这回事:美国生活不平等的灵魂》,芝加哥大学哈罗德•布鲁姆推荐

  Do racial differences cause racism, or does racism create the illusion of racial difference? Sister scholars Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields examine this critical question, recommended by the University of Chicagos Kenneth Warren.种族差异会引起种族主义吗?还是种族主义会引起种族差异?学术姐妹花卡伦•E•菲尔德和芭芭拉•J•菲尔德审视了这一个至关重要的问题,该书由芝加哥大学肯尼斯•沃伦推荐。
7All of Shakespeare, recommended by Harold Bloom, Yale《莎士比亚全集》,耶鲁大学哈罗德•布鲁姆推荐

  This recommendation from one of the countrys most famous literary critics comes as no surprise. Yales Harold Bloom says students should read all of Shakespeare, and who are we to argue?毫无悬念,该国最为著名的文学评论家推荐了这本书。常青藤教授联合荐书:这7本书,每个大学生都应该读一读耶鲁大学哈罗德•布鲁姆称学生都应该阅读《莎士比亚全集》,我们还有什么好反驳的呢?