
发布日期:2019-03-24 22:22 本文摘要:Hot Tea Really Does Increase Cancer Risk, So Heres The Recommended Safe Temperature 烫茶增加患癌风险,水温多少才最合适 The World Health Organisation advises we wait for our morning cup of English breakfast to cool slightly to decrease the

  Hot Tea Really Does Increase Cancer Risk, So Heres The Recommended Safe Temperature




  The World Health Organisation advises we wait for our morning cup of English breakfast to cool slightly to decrease the risk of getting cancer of the oesophagus. But just how hot is too hot?




  Until now, most research has been rather vague on the actual temperature part. After all, what is scalding to one person might be anothers perfect brew. At last we have a number to help you decide when to take your first sip.




  An international team of researchers have come together to objectively nail down a Goldilocks temperature for drinkers of hot beverages, and found that once the drinking liquid creeps past 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit), youre taking your chances.




  To give you a sense of what that feels like, most of us will start to experience discomfort when we touch a surface thats approaching 50 degrees Celsius. So unless youre something of a masochist when it comes to that first mouthful, the news isnt all that bad.




  Many people enjoy drinking tea, coffee, or other hot beverages, says Farhad Islami from the American Cancer Society.


  “许多人喜欢喝茶,咖啡或其他热饮,”美国癌症协会的Farhad Islami说。


  However, according to our report, drinking very hot tea can increase the risk of oesophageal cancer, and it is therefore advisable to wait until hot beverages cool down before drinking.




  Theres plenty of research telling us the temperature of our drinks can affect our chances of developing cancer. Exactly how it does this isnt clear, but the evidence suggests damage caused by blanching our throats cells is probably responsible.

