
发布日期:2019-03-22 13:57 本文摘要:C罗开了个植发诊所,拯救西班牙的头发与经济Cristiano opens hair transplant clinic: We want to help the Spaniards and the Spanish economy.C罗开了一家植发诊所:我们想帮助西班牙人和西班牙经济。 Cristiano Ronaldo has indicated that his new hair

  C罗开了个植发诊所,拯救西班牙的头发与经济Cristiano opens hair transplant clinic: We want to help the Spaniards and the Spanish economy.C罗开了一家植发诊所:我们想帮助西班牙人和西班牙经济。


  Cristiano Ronaldo has indicated that his new hair transplant clinic aims to assist both Spanish people, as well as the countrys economy.克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多表示自己新开的植发诊所主要是要帮助西班牙人,对于国家经济也有好处。


  The Portuguese attended the inauguration of the company, which belongs to the Insparya group, but is 50 percent owned by himself.新成立的这家诊所隶属Insparya集团,C罗拥有一半的股份,当天这位葡萄牙人参加了公司的就职典礼。


  Alopecia is a very big problem in Europe and around the world and we want to help people improve their self-esteem and not be ashamed to come to us, Cristiano said.“脱发在欧洲乃至全球都是一个非常严重的问题,我们想要帮助人们提高自信,融入群体的时候不会觉得尴尬。”C罗说。





  Everyone likes to take care of their image and I am a very clear example of this, and that is why when Paulo (Ramos, CEO of the group) told me about this project I immediately realised that it was something unique.“爱美之心人皆有之,对此我深表赞同,这就是当保罗(集团首席执行官拉莫斯)和我谈这个项目的时候,我当即觉得这个项目非常的独特。”


  This project is going to be a success, as we want to help the Spaniards and the Spanish economy.“这个项目肯定能成,因为我们想要帮助西班人,重振西班牙经济。”


  Insparya group own 10 clinics in Portugal and have made about 35,000 transplants, as their treatments last about six hours and cost between 4,000 and 7,000 euros.Insparya集团在葡萄牙有10家诊所,共完成35000例手术,每次时间在6小时左右,费用在4000至7000欧元不等。



