
发布日期:2019-03-21 15:15 本文摘要:Instagrams New Checkout Feature Makes Online Shopping EasierInstagram最新的Checkout功能让线上购物更方便 Instagram announced their new Checkout function and it looks like its going to radically change the way we shop online. Instagram最新发

  Instagram’s New Checkout Feature Makes Online Shopping EasierInstagram最新的Checkout功能让线上购物更方便


  Instagram announced their new Checkout function and it looks like it’s going to radically change the way we shop online. Instagram最新发布了Checkout功能,似乎要彻底改变我们的线上购物方式。


  By linking credit card details to your profile, Instagram will let you click-to-buy directly within the app without having to be redirected to a brand’s website.通过把你的信用卡绑定到账号上,Instagram支持应用内直接点击购买,无需转至品牌网站。


  That means no more inputting shipping details every time you buy somewhere new. The Checkout function is designed to make your shopping experience more streamlined, and potentially facilitate a few more impulse purchases. 这样一来,就不用每次买新的东西时都输入详细的配送信息,Checkout功能简化了购物体验,也可能会带动更多冲动消费。


  Prior to the reveal, Instagram has been trialing shoppable features including product tags in posts and product stickers in Stories, and according to Vogue it was a success, with 130 million people tapping the product tags each month.此前,Instagram就一直在试验购物功能,尝试过在广告中加入产品标签、故事里加入产品图标等,《Vogue》杂志表示过去的尝试确实成功了,每月有1.3亿用户点击产品标签。


  Instagram proposes the new function will make online shopping more secure, too. Instagram推出的新功能也会增强线上购物的安全性能。


  As part of the beta launch, you can use the function with participating brands including Burberry, Prada, Oscar de la Renta, Balmain, Michael Kors, H&M, Zara, Nike, and Warby Parker.在其发布的测试版中,你可以用该功能购买Burberry, Prada, Oscar de la Renta, Balmain, Michael Kors, H&M, Zara, Nike,和 Warby Parker等参与品牌。



