
发布日期:2019-03-20 13:13 本文摘要:特朗普似乎经常是想到什么就说什么,就像这次,他又公开称赞大女儿伊万卡为美国创造了数以百万计的工作岗位。 至于她创造的是什么岗位、怎么创造的,他没说。 英文原文音频: 图片来源:视觉中国 PresidentDonald Trump is praising his daughter and senior










  President Donald Trump is praising his daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump for having “created millions of jobs.”唐纳德·特朗普总统赞扬他的女儿、高级顾问伊万卡·特朗普“创造了数百万个就业机会”。


  Trump, 72, made the claim early Monday morning during a speech to the bipartisan National Governor’s Association at the White House.72岁的特朗普星期一早上在白宫两党全国州长协会的一个新网页上发表讲话时做此言论。


  “My daughter has created millions of jobs. I don’t know if anyone knows that, but she’s created millions of jobs,” Trump added without saying exactly how Ivanka is responsible for the significant increase in work.“我女儿创造了数百万个就业机会。我不知道是否有人知道,但是她已经创造了数百万个就业机会。”特朗普补充道,但他没有具体说明伊万卡是如何负责让就业机会显著增加的。


  The President then went on to explain that last year his administration created the National Council for the American Worker, which Ivanka co-chaired along with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.总统接着解释说,他的政府去年成立了美国工人全国委员会,伊万卡和商务部长威尔伯·罗斯共同担任主席。


  The council’s goal is to ask companies in the US to sign the Pledge to America’s Workers — a commitment “to expand programs that educate, train, and reskill American workers from high school age to near-retirement,” according to the White House.该委员会的目标是要求美国的公司签署对美国工人的承诺。根据白宫的说法,这一承诺是“为了扩大一些项目,教育、培训和再培训从高中到接近退休年龄的美国工人们”。


  “We’ve gained commitments from private sector leaders to hire and train more than 6.5 million Americans. Think of it: 6.5 million. And these are jobs that, for the most part, would not have happened,” Trump continued on Monday.“我们从私营部门的领导人那里得到承诺,他们会雇用和培训650多万美国人。想想看:650万。这些工作中的大部分本来是不会发生的。”特朗普在周一继续说道。


  Following the meeting, Ivanka, 37, spoke on the spike in employment in the U.S. on social media.会后,37岁的伊万卡在社交网络上就美国的就业高峰发表了言论。


  “Historic low unemployment rates have created opportunity for millions of Americans. A record 73% of people who previously were out of work and not looking for a job, came OFF of the sidelines and into the workforce in Q4 2018,” Ivanka wrote.“历史性的低失业率为数百万美国人创造了机会。在2018年第四季度,73%以前失业且没有找工作的人们走出了边线,进入了劳动力市场。”伊万卡写道。








  1)Shes created


  这里的 shes 不是 she is 而是 she has 的缩写,所以完整的结构式 she has created






  2)co-chair v.共同主持


  这里的 chair 就是 chairman(主席)里的 chair,意思是“主理”。


  而前缀 co- 表示“共同”,所以 co-chair 就是表达“共同管理”、“共同主导”。




  3)reskill v.再教育


  这个词是前缀 re- + skill(技能),skill 作动词的时候表示“赋予……技能”,前缀 re- 表示“重复”、“再次”,所以 reskill 在这表示地就是让那些已经失去竞争力的美国工人学会新的有用技能。

