
发布日期:2019-02-12 18:56 本文摘要:2019.02.08 周五 Friday shutdown/tdaun/ n. 关停 Trumppaid for the food smorgasbord his White House served to the Clemson Tigers when the 2018 College Football Playoff champions visited the White House rather than push the event that the par



  周五 Friday


  shutdown /ʃʌtdaun/ 


  n. 关停



  Trump paid for the food smorgasbord his White House served to the Clemson Tigers when the 2018 College Football Playoff champions visited the White House rather than push the event that the partial government shutdown complicated.2018年全美大学橄榄球季后赛的冠军队伍——克莱姆森老虎队——访问了白宫,而特朗普宴请了他们。请的是一顿瑞士自助餐,是他自己掏的腰包。对,他花时间干了这个,而不是处理政府部分关门带来的那些复杂问题。


  We ordered American fast food. Paid for by me. Lots of hamburgers, lots of pizza, I think theyd like it better than anything we could give, Trump told reporters as he arrived at the White House after an out-of-state speech. 特朗普对记者说:“我们点的都是美国快餐。有好多汉堡、好多披萨,我猜在我们能提供的所有东西当中这是他们最喜欢的。”当时特朗普刚刚在国外做了一场演讲,才回到白宫。


  We have some very large people that like eating, so I think were gonna have a little fun. “我们的客人都是些喜欢吃东西的大块头,所以我觉得我们会玩得很开心。”


  The president said in remarks to the team that he had 1,000 hamburgers delivered for the East Room event, where chicken nuggets and pizza were also served, after telling reporters that hed had 300 burgers delivered an hour prior. 总统称赞这支球队的时候说他自己为这场白宫东翼的宴会订了1000个汉堡,同时还订了很多鸡块和披萨。不过他一个小时之前才告诉记者是订了300个汉堡。


  I had a choice: do we have no food for you, because we have a shutdown, or do we give you some little quick salads that the first lady will make along with the second lady, theyll make some salads, Trump said. And I said, you guys arent into salads.  特朗普说:“我当时面临的选择是这样的:我们可以不请你们吃东西,毕竟我们已经部分停工了;又或者,我们可以随便让第一夫人和她的下手做点沙拉给你们吃,沙拉她们还是会做的。但我说,你们是不会想吃沙拉的。”


  We have everything that I like, that you like, he told players to laughter. And I know no matter what we did, theres nothing that you could have thats better than that.他大笑着对那些队员说:“我们这里东西多着呢,都是咱们喜欢的。而且我知道,不管我们怎么搞,你们肯定吃不到比这好的东西。”


  I wanted to see, so it was piled up a mile high, I just wanted to see what was left. I saw it at the beginning. How much he is left back there? How much? he asked. None, a woman in the audience informed him.他还说:“我就是想看看,你看这些东西都堆得这么高了,我就想看看你们吃完后它还剩多少。我可是知道它们一开始有多少的哦。那最后剩了多少呢?多少啊?”这时观众里的一位女士提醒了他一下:“灰都不剩。 ”


  President Trump later teased in his remarks that the players wiped out more food than any human has ever seen before after revealing that he first considered having his wife Melania along with the second lady make some salads for the youth. 特朗普总统后来开玩笑说这些队员“以人类从未见过的食量”消灭了那些食物。不过此前他说的却是,他本来打算让妻子梅拉尼娅“和下手一起做点沙拉”给这些年轻人吃。






  shutdown /ʃʌtdaun/ 


  n. 关停




  很明显,这个词是 shut + down


  shut sth. down 是“关掉……”:


  The city government is planning to shut the factory down.这个城市的政府正打算关掉这座工厂。


  而 shutdown 则表示“关停的状态”:


  The shutdown is the latest in a series of painful budget measures.这次歇业是一连串痛苦的预算措施中刚刚实施的一项。特朗普在白宫设宴,居然请人吃快餐外卖