
发布日期:2019-01-10 08:34 本文摘要:1.take a little off the top 【原句】Everybody takes a little off the top. (S05E05) 【翻译】大家都会抽点油水

  1.take a little off the top


  【原句】Everybody takes a little off the top. (S05E05)








  take a little取一点,take a little break =have a short rest 稍事休息;短暂休息一下。


  off the top从顶部。扩展off the top of ones head意为在我头脑里最先想到的,引申为“不假思索、马上”。




  Just pass this round as Im talking and take a little look at it.




  I cant tell you the figures off the top of my head,Ill have to check it up.





  2.make up


  【原句】That sounds made up. (S05E05)








  make up v. 弥补;和解;编造;整理;化妆;拼凑成。


  重点:在日常生活中说的化妆,不是make up而是make-up。make sb up=把某人化妆成别的样子,make sth up=把某个事情编造成别的样子。




  I rarely use make-up.




  They made him up as an old man, for the last act of the play.




  I think its very unkind of you to make up stories about him.



