
发布日期:2019-01-10 06:22 本文摘要:Emma Stone apologised for appearing in Aloha after Sanrda Oh joked about the filmswhitewashing controversy in her Golden Globes opening segment.吴珊卓在金球奖的开场白拿《阿罗哈》这部电影掩盖的争议开玩笑之后,艾玛斯通为出演了这部影片而道歉

  Emma Stone apologised for appearing in Aloha after Sanrda Oh joked about the filmswhitewashing controversy in her Golden Globes opening segment.吴珊卓在金球奖的开场白拿《阿罗哈》这部电影掩盖的争议开玩笑之后,艾玛·斯通为出演了这部影片而道歉。


  Ohquipped that Crazy Rich Asians is “the first studio film with an Asian-American lead since Ghost in the Shell and Aloha” – a reference to the controversy that both films starred white women playing Asian characters.吴珊卓打趣道,“自《攻壳机动队》和《阿罗哈》之后,《摘金奇缘》是第一部由亚裔美国人主演的影片”,暗指这两部电影都由白人女子饰演亚裔角色的争议。



  Golden Globe-nominee Stone, who starred in the Cameron Crowe film as part-Chinese part-Hawaiian character Allison, was present at the ceremony and could be hearing shouting “Im sorry” in response to Ohs remark.金球奖提名候选人艾玛·斯通在卡梅隆·克罗执导的《阿罗哈》这部影片中饰演过一位拥有一半中国人血统、一半夏威夷人血统的角色艾莉森,她也出席了金球奖颁奖典礼,有人听到她在颁奖礼上大喊着“我很抱歉”来回应吴珊卓的讲话。2019金球奖:石头姐就好莱坞“洗白”道歉!


  Stone confirmed these reports to The Los Angeles Times, saying: “It wasnt like I planned it, but I did say it.”艾玛·斯通向《洛杉矶时报》证实了这些报道,她表示:“这并非我计划好的,但我确实道歉了。”


  Oh and Samberg have received praise for their opening speech. They kicked off proceedings to the 76th annual ceremony by quipping that they were selected for the job because theyre “the only two people in Hollywood who havent gotten in trouble for saying something offensive”.吴珊卓和萨姆伯格都因其开幕词而受到称赞。他们在为第76届金球奖年度颁奖典礼致开幕词的时候打趣道,因为他们是“好莱坞唯一的两个没有因说了无礼的话而惹过麻烦的人”,所以他们才被选为致开幕词的嘉宾。

