
发布日期:2019-01-10 06:21 本文摘要:You know what makes every movie better?你知道是什么让每一部电影变得更好吗? If you said Timothe Chalamet, then you are both correct.如果你说的是提莫西查拉梅,那么你是对的。 Laura Dernthinks so too.劳拉邓恩也这么认为。 The accomplished actre

  You know what makes every movie better? 你知道是什么让每一部电影变得更好吗?


  If you said Timothée Chalamet, then you are both correct. 如果你说的是“提莫西·查拉梅”,那么你是对的。


  Laura Dern thinks so too.劳拉·邓恩也这么认为。


  The accomplished actress presented Chalamet with a the Spotlight Award at the 30th annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Gala earlier this week.在本周早些时候举行的第30届棕榈泉国际电影节上,这位多才多艺的女演员将最受关注奖颁给了查拉梅。



  Weve just had an amazing experience working together on this film, Little Women. Dern explained how she and Chalamet met.邓恩解释了她和查拉梅是如何认识的:“我们在《小妇人》这部电影中有一段非常愉快的合作经历。


  And, when asked if she would write Chalamet into her other big, highly-anticipated ensemble hit, HBOs Big Little Lies, which is returning for a second season, Dern was basically like HELL YES.当被问到她是否会把查拉梅写进另一部备受期待的即将回归的大热剧集《大小谎言》第二季中时,邓恩基本上就像是在说“当然是啦! ”。


  Heres what she actually said:这是她的原话:


  I think we would be very happy to have him. Hes amazing!“我想我们会很高兴拥有他。他太棒了!”


  Of course, its not that far-fetched to imagine Chalamet appearing on Big Little Lies.当然,甜茶或将加盟《大谎小言》?导演亲口这样说...想象查拉梅出现在大谎言中也不是那么牵强。


  Theres already quite a bit of crossover in the casts.这部剧在演员阵容中已经有相当多的交叉。


  Meryl Streep, who is also in Little Women, is also in Big Little Lies. So she and I got to do two things in a row, which was a dream, Dern said.邓恩说:“梅丽尔·斯特里普出演过《小妇人》,也出演过《大小谎言》。所以她和我不得不接连着做两件事,这曾经是一个梦想。

