
发布日期:2018-11-05 15:34 本文摘要:The Queens last corgi, a 12-year-old called Whisper, has died following several weeks of illness.女王的最后一只柯基,12岁大的Whisper在病了几周以后死了。 The monarch adopted the dog two years ago after his owner, former Sandringham gamekeep

  The Queens last corgi, a 12-year-old called Whisper, has died following several weeks of illness.女王的最后一只柯基,12岁大的Whisper在病了几周以后死了。


  The monarch adopted the dog two years ago after his owner, former Sandringham gamekeeper Bill Fenwick, passed away.这只狗原来的主人前桑德林厄姆守门员Bill Fenwick去世以后,女王收养了这只狗两年多。


  According to the Daily Mail,  the corgi died last week at Windsor Castle, leaving the Queen deeply saddened.根据《每日邮报》的报道,上周这只柯基在温莎堡的离世,让女王悲痛万分。


  Whisper was a friendly chap and followed her everywhere, a source said.知情人说,“Whisper 是一个友善的小家伙,总是跟着女王到东到西。”



  The Queen has quickly become very attached to the dog.“女王也很快依赖上了这只小狗。”


  The Queen still has two dorgis called Candy and Vulcan, who are crossbreeds between daschunds and corgis.女王还有两只柯基叫Candy和Vulcan,是腊肠和柯基的杂交。


  She received her first corgi as a gift on her 18th birthday, who she named Susan.女王18岁生日的时候,收到的礼物就是她人生中第一只柯基,它的名字叫Susan。


  The Queen has owned more than 30 corgis since she became Queen of the United Kingdom in 1952, with all of them apart from Whisper related to Susan.1952年,她成为英国女王之后,她陆续有了30多只柯基,除了Whisper其他都是Susan的子嗣。


  In April this year, the last of the Queens royal corgis that could trace its lineage back to Susan passed away.今年四月,女王的最后一只Suasan的子孙死了。


  The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has an average lifespan of 11 to 13 years, explains Pet Health and Pet Nutrition Information.根据宠物健康与宠物营养信息机构表示, 彭布罗克威尔士柯基的平均寿命是11到13年。

