
发布日期:2018-08-17 20:09 本文摘要:Selena Gomez is reportedly unhappy about Justin Biebers engagement to Hailey Baldwin. Selena and Justin dated on and off for almost a decade before splitting for good earlier this year.据报道,赛琳娜戈麦斯对贾斯汀比伯与海莉鲍德温订婚的消息

  Selena Gomez is reportedly unhappy about Justin Biebers engagement to Hailey Baldwin. Selena and Justin dated on and off for almost a decade before splitting for good earlier this year.据报道,赛琳娜•戈麦斯对贾斯汀•比伯与海莉•鲍德温订婚的消息感到很不开心。赛琳娜、贾斯汀十年间分分合合的感情,在今年早些时候彻底结束了。


  Justin was dating Hailey for just months before he proposed. Selena cant help but feel like the longer Justin and Hailey stay engaged the less likely they will actually get married, the source added. And if their marriage does go ahead, the source claims Selena would be crushed.在贾斯汀向海莉求婚前,两人仅交往数月。“赛琳娜不自觉这样想——也许贾斯汀和海莉维持订婚状态的时间越长,他们会结婚的可能性就越小。”知情人这样说。如果他们最终真的结婚了,知情人表示这将击垮赛琳娜。

  Earlier this month in New York, the Wolves star, 25, was rocking a simple black T-shirt that had the phrase only the strong survive written on the pocket.这个月早些时候,在纽约,这位25岁的《Wolves》女歌手,身着一件简单黑T,口袋上写着“强者生存”。

  Justin and Hailey shocked fans with their fast engagement, but Justin said he knows Hailey is the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with and start a family with.贾斯汀和海莉的闪电订婚惊呆了粉丝们,但是贾斯汀表示,海莉就是他想共度余生、组建家庭的那个人。

  Writing to his 100 million followers on Instagram on Monday, Justin said: Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast, listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you! So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY.周一,贾斯汀在其追随者1亿的社交软件Instagram上写到:“本来想等一阵子再说的,但是消息传得很快。我想对你说,海莉,我爱关于你的一切!也准备好要用我这一生,去了解全部的你。耐心、温柔地爱你!”
