
发布日期:2018-07-11 15:42 本文摘要:点此阅读:既想找份心仪工作,又想赚钱?先认清这5个真相(上) 3. Dont conflate passion with work.3. 不要把激情和工作混为一谈。 For some of our friends, like Nicole and Laurel, the desire to be financially independent was so all-encompassing

  点此阅读:既想找份心仪工作,又想赚钱?先认清这5个真相(上) 3. Dont conflate passion with work.3. 不要把激情和工作混为一谈。

  For some of our friends, like Nicole and Laurel, the desire to be financially independent was so all-encompassing that they set aside any concerns about chasing their passion. For them, work and passion were two entirely separate imperatives. They both have things in their life that they care deeply about or feel excited by (travel, book clubs, going to concerts, testing new recipes). Those things just dont happen to be work. And theyve both achieved the financial independence that was paramount for them.对于我们的一些朋友,比如妮可和劳雷尔来说,想要在经济上独立的愿望包罗万象,以至于他们把追求自己的所酷爱的东西放在一边。对他们来说,工作和激情是完全不同的两大要素。他们在生活中都有他们深切关心或感到兴奋的事情(旅行、读书俱乐部、音乐会、测试新食谱)。这些事情不会无缘无故出现。他们都实现了对他们来说最重要的财政独立。

  You can have a successful career, achieve a lot, and feel rewarded in many areas. Feeling that you must also be deeply, madly in love with your job puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on what is ultimately a way to feed yourself and pay bills. Work can be meaningful in a lot of ways, so consider what makes work meaningful for you. Not everyone needs to be saving the world in order to justify time spent away from kids or hours spent in an office.你可以有一个成功的事业,取得很多成就,并在许多领域获得回报。让自己觉得自己也必须深深地、疯狂地热爱自己的工作,会给你带来很多不必要的压力,而这些压力最终都是用来养活自己和支付账单的。工作在很多方面都是有意义的,所以考虑一下是什么让工作对你有意义。并不是每个人都需要拯救世界,以证明离开孩子或花在办公室的时间是合理的。

  Women can derive meaning from supporting their families, gaining recognition in their field, showing other, younger women in the office what it looks like to be a successful woman, or simply getting better at a skill. And a few of our friends who reached C-level positions were able to start initiatives within their companies that were meaningful to them, around work-life balance and gender equality. Figure out creative ways to do something you care about and are good at.女性可以从支持家庭、在自己的领域获得认可、在办公室里向其他年轻女性展示自己是一个成功女性的样子,或者仅仅是在一项技能上变得更好来获得意义。我们的一些达到总裁级别的朋友能够在他们的公司内发起对他们有意义的行动,围绕工作与生活的平衡和性别平等。想出一些有创意的方法来做你关心和擅长的事情。

  Dont limit yourself by precluding work that might not immediately inspire love poems.不要限制自己,抛开那些不大会马上激发浪漫诗歌的工作吧。

   4. If you must be an artist, and you also must support yourself, understand that these are competing desires.4. 如果你必须当一个艺术家,你也必须支持你自己,既想找份心仪工作,又想赚钱?先认清这5个真相(下)理解这些是相互竞争的欲望。

  The two of us have suffered over the course of our careers from competing goals. We both wanted to be financially independent, we wanted to be mothers, and we wanted to be writers. Early on, we realized that it was not possible to do all three of these things exactly the way we wanted to at all times.在我们的职业生涯中,我们两个人的目标是相互竞争的。我们都想在经济上独立,我们想成为母亲,我们想成为作家。早些时候,我们意识到不可能一直按照我们想要的方式去做这三件事。

  If youre an artist at heart, and also want to earn a steady paycheck, know that youre likely to be moving between these two goals continuously over the course of your life. And know that adding motherhood into the mix makes things more expensive — therefore more complex — unless you become a super-famous and wealthy artist, which we hope you do.如果你内心是个艺术家,同时也想要稳定的收入,你要知道在你的一生中,你很可能会不断地在这两个目标之间徘徊。而且要知道,如果你不成为一个超级著名的富有的艺术家,我们希望你能成为这样的艺术家,那么做母亲就会使事情变得更加昂贵——因此也就更加复杂。

   5. Follow the thing youre good at, and you will be rewarded.5. 追随你擅长的东西,你就会得到回报。

  You may never wake up in the morning feeling ecstatic that you get to think about supply-chain management all day long (or wherever the thing youre good at leads you), but if you excel at it, youll find yourself earning promotions, climbing up the ranks, earning more money and power and recognition, and stoking your ambitious side.你可能永远不会早上醒来感觉欣喜若狂,整天考虑供应链管理(或者任何你擅长的东西带领你去哪里),但如果你擅长它,你会发现自己获得晋升,排位提高了,赚更多的钱和获得更多的权力和认可,并激起你的雄心。

  We are not suggesting anyone should stay in a job they loath, but rather that there are ways to take a job that might not sound like your dream gig and turn it into a career that makes you proud of yourself and the life youve achieved.我们并不是建议每个人都应该继续从事他们不喜欢的工作,而是说有一些方法可以让你的工作听起来不像你的梦想,把它变成一份让你为自己和你的生活感到自豪的职业。